Academic Catalog

Physical Therapy

Laura Z. Gras, Professor, Department Chairperson, Graduate Chairperson and Program Director

Karen V. Lomond, Associate Professor, and Associate Department Chairperson

The mission of Ithaca College's Physical Therapy Program is to graduate physical therapists prepared for autonomous, interprofessional practice who provide compassionate, evidence-based, ethical, legal, and culturally sensitive care to maximize the function, health and wellness of their patients, clients, and society. Our program promotes APTA Core Values along with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion that prepares graduates to become life-long learners. 
The Department of Physical Therapy offers a six-year, dual-degree program in clinical health studies and physical therapy. Students receive a bachelor of science (B.S.) degree in clinical health studies after four years of study and a doctor of physical therapy degree after two years of graduate study. The undergraduate component of the six-year program is described in the Ithaca College undergraduate catalog.

The graduate program builds on the undergraduate program’s depth and breadth in liberal arts and basic sciences, the students’ independent study skills, and their understanding of theory, communication, and critical thinking. The graduate program is approximately 24 months in duration. Students participate in classroom and clinical experiential learning opportunities on campus and in diverse clinical and research facilities to integrate learning and apply knowledge in health care settings. Graduate students participate in 30 weeks of full-time clinical education coursework at health care facilities throughout the United States.

Students must complete all requirements to be eligible for licensure.

Admission Requirements

  1. Six-year dual degree program in clinical health studies and physical therapy (B.S./D.P.T):
    1. Students receive a B.S. degree in clinical health studies after completing those degree requirements at Ithaca College as specified in the undergraduate catalog. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 and have completed all prerequisite coursework for progression into the D.P.T. program.
  2. Professional entry-level program in physical therapy (D.P.T.):
    1. Students must have earned a bachelor's degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2.
    2. Students must have completed the following prerequisite coursework within the past 10 years and with a minimum averaged GPA of 3.2: 8 credits of Biology, 8 credits of Chemistry; 8 credits of Physics; 8 credits of Anatomy and Physiology; and a minimum of 3 credits of Statistics.

Grade Requirements

Students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program must achieve a 3.2 GPA for each semester or term and must earn satisfactory grades in clinical education courses in order to remain in good academic standing and continue in the program. Students in the doctoral program must maintain a minimum cumulative 3.2 GPA to successfully complete the DPT program.

Graduate level courses (500 level or 600 level courses) in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program are awarded letter grades using the following grading scale:

Letter Grade Percent Earned
A 93-100%
A- 90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76%
C- 70-72%
F <70%
  • No grades of D are awarded for graduate level courses.
  • Clinical Education coursework is graded on a Satisfactory (S) /Unsatisfactory (U) basis
  • Grades of F or U are not acceptable in any required graduate courses

Incomplete Grade for Graduate Students

A student in the graduate program may request an incomplete grade as outlined in the Ithaca College Graduate Catalog. A graduate student who receives a grade of Incomplete must complete the requirements of the course prior to the start of next academic term. Failure to comply with this timeline could result in the student being subject to dismissal from the Doctor of Physical Therapy program or required to absent themselves from the curriculum sequencing for a year after the Incomplete is satisfied.

Curricular Requirements

1. Order and Sequence of Completion of Required Courses

Courses must be satisfactorily completed in the order and timeframe specified in the DPT curriculum made available to each student unless permission to deviate from the sequence or time frame has been approved by the department faculty. Students who fail Clinical Education courses are required to successfully repeat the course the next time it is offered before continuing in the curriculum. Any course that is repeated due to a deceleration or failure of clinical education are subject to the requirement for continuous registration while awaiting the opportunity to do so.

Students enrolled in Doctor of Physical Therapy program must maintain continuous registration in the program and are required to meet all requirements for graduation within five years of starting the professional phase of the program. Any breaks in continuous registration are counted toward the amount of time a student takes to complete degree requirements.

2. Comprehensive Practical Exam

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program will demonstrate clinical readiness by successfully passing a comprehensive practical exam prior to Clinical Education I. The examination requires demonstration of professional behaviors, safety, and integration of clinical skills covered up to this point in the curriculum.

3. Student Essential Performance Requirements

Physical therapists must have the physical and mental capacity to safely and effectively evaluate and manage the individuals they serve.  A document titled “Essential Functions for Physical Therapy Practice” describes in detail the emotional, communication, cognitive, sensory/motor, and social-behavioral functions a student should be able to perform in order to practice physical therapy. Graduate students in the DPT program will have previously signed the Essential Functions document during the undergraduate component of the program indicating their acknowledgment of and ability to comply with the functions outlined in the document. All students will be advised to discuss the essential function document with their academic advisor.  For all students, the document is also available on the Physical Therapy Department PT Student Teams site.  Students with documented disability will not be precluded from participating in the program however such students will need to be able to perform all functions with reasonable accommodation.

Policies and Procedures for Academic Performance

The following sections describe those policies and procedures related to academic status and define categories of academic performance. Criteria for College academic status  (good academic standing, warning, or dismissal) are specified in the Graduate catalog. The criteria below are in addition to college-wide policy and apply to program academic status. Additional information can be found in the PT Department Students-Group Teams site.

Student Academic Performance Review

Academic records and professional conduct will be reviewed upon completion of each academic term (semester, block or clinical education course). The faculty will review the records of students with academic deficiencies and/or unprofessional behavior to determine whether a change in academic status is warranted. Academic warning or dismissal notices will be sent to the student by the Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy. When necessary, these letters will specify criteria for reinstatement of good standing and time limitations. The Dean of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance will be informed of the student’s departmental academic status. 

Program deceleration

A graduate student in the Department of Physical Therapy may have the option to decelerate in the program if they are subject to dismissal due to receiving an F in a required course. A student is not eligible to decelerate if they have been on academic warning the semester preceding the semester they request to decelerate. A student can decelerate only once while in the PT program. A student who decelerates will be placed on academic warning for the semester they are reinstated. Warning status is removed after achieving good academic status.  

Information for program deceleration can be obtained from the Graduate Chairperson. Deceleration status is provided to the Dean of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance and the Office of the Registrar. 

Academic status categories

Good Academic Standing

Graduate students in the department of physical therapy are in good academic standing when they have: 

  • Met college-wide academic standards as outlined in the Ithaca College Graduate Catalog and met physical therapy program- specific standards of cumulative GPA and individual semester GPA greater than or equal to 3.2.
  • Professional conduct consistent with program expectations as outlined in the Student Manual.
  • Clinical performance consistent with expectations for program level as outlined in the Clinical Education Manual.
Academic Warning

A graduate student in the department physical therapy will be placed on academic warning within the Department of Physical Therapy for any of the following reasons: 

  • was a Clinical Health Studies IC undergraduate student placed on academic warning at the end of the spring semester of DPT year I, or
  • receives less than a 3.2 term or cumulative GPA, or
  • withdraws from a required course, or
  • fails to remove a grade of incomplete (I) in the specified time, or
  • drops, withdraws, or receives an Unsatisfactory (U) grade from a clinical education course, or
  • has a documented pattern of unprofessional conduct, or
  • receives a grade of Unsatisfactory (U) in an ICE course, or
  • dismissed from the program, but reinstated after a successful petition


A graduate student in the Department of Physical Therapy is subject to dismissal for any of the following reasons:

All students:

  • Receives a grade of F in any course 
  • Remains on Academic Warning for any two consecutive full-time academic terms, or
  • Receives an Unsatisfactory (U) in more than one clinical education course (includes ICE and full-time clinical experiences),or 
  • Fails a clinical education remediation (PDPT 62900) OR the retake of a failed clinical experience, or 
  • Drops or withdraws from any two clinical education courses, or 
  • Has repeated documented instances of unprofessional conduct that are not successfully addressed through meeting the goals of a learning contract, or 
  • Fails the comprehensive practical examination and a re-take attempt  

Decelerated students:

  • Receives less than a 3.2 term GPA for the first semester following a period of separation for deceleration, or 
  • Receives a second grade of F, or

  • Receives a B- or lower in a repeated course

Petition for Waiver of Departmental Academic Policy

A graduate student in the Department of Physical Therapy who has been placed on program academic warning or who has been dismissed from the program may petition to waive Departmental academic policy consistent with the Student’s Right to Petition in the Ithaca College Graduate Catalog ( Information for filing a petition can be obtained from the PT Department Students-Group Microsoft Teams site.

Requirement for Continuous Registration

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program must maintain continuous registration in the program and are required to meet all requirements for graduation within five years of starting the professional phase of the program. Any breaks in continuous registration are counted toward the amount of time a student takes to complete degree requirements. 

Students who choose to absent themselves from graduate studies for personal, health, or emergency reasons or chose to decelerate must comply with the requirement for continuous registration as described in the Ithaca College Graduate Catalog Student Academic Status Policies and Academic Performance Requirements (

Students must notify the Graduate Chairperson in writing of their intention to return sixteen weeks prior to their planned return date. The Graduate Chairperson will liaison with the student and faculty to determine a plan for return that may include completion of additional coursework and/or demonstration of knowledge or skills. A student returning from an absence of continuous registration will retain the same academic status as when the separated from continuous registration.

PTBS 50000 Documentation for Physical Therapy (NLA)

Introduces written documentation of physical therapy services using the American Physical Therapy Association's Patient/Client Management Model and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Model. Topics include written documentation of initial examinations, progress notes, and discharges; legal guidelines; medical terminology; and electronic health record. (U,Y)
1 Credit

PTBS 50100 Human Anatomy (NLA)

Investigates the gross anatomical components of the human body through the use of lecture and cadaver dissection. Emphasis is placed on the musculoskeletal and neurovascular systems found in the extremities, trunk, chest, and abdominal walls, and in the head and neck. (U,Y)
6 Credits

PTBS 50200 Musculoskeletal I (NLA)

Application of the patient/client management model with emphasis on examination, evaluation, and diagnosis of musculoskeletal problems of the extremities. Emphasis is placed on the following skills: patient history, joint integrity and mobility, goniometry, muscle performance testing, flexibility testing, ligament testing, special orthopedic tests, and posture as it relates to the extremities. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (F,Y)
4 Credits

PTBS 50300 Soft Tissue Examination and Interventions (NLA)

This lecture and laboratory course examines various methods of soft tissue examination and intervention. It is designed to expose the student to a broad spectrum of techniques, while teaching the skills of the most commonly used methods. Some of the techniques are more scientifically evidence based than others. The course will emphasizes critical assessment and foster the necessity for research-based analysis. The course is also designed to develop the student's palpation skills, including the examination and evaluation of soft tissue dysfunction. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (F,Y)
2 Credits

PTBS 50400 Applied Biomechanics (LA)

Application of mechanical principles to human movement with particular attention to the effect of forces in producing normal movement. Students are required to apply their knowledge of anatomy to understanding individual joint function, as well as the integrated function of several joints during complex activities such as the normal gait. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PTBS 50500 Professional Development II (NLA)

Introduction to the Practice Act, roles of paraprofessionals, professional and ethical behavior, and effective communication styles. Instruction in clinical education teams, models of clinical education, and assessment of clinical performance. Prerequisites: PTBS 51700. (S,Y)
Attributes: CP
1 Credit

PTBS 50600 Medical Screening I (NLA)

Explores the principles and interpretation of diagnostic testing. Includes radiologic interpretations of X-rays, Computed Tomography, MRI, Nuclear, ultrasound imaging and nerve conduction testing. Radiographic anatomy, densities, views, and structural analysis are taught using digital imaging. Uses patient cases to compare patho-structural diagnosis with actual symptoms and clinical presentation. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (F,Y)
1 Credit

PTBS 50700 Integrated Clinical Experience I (NLA)

Work with patients under the supervision of a faculty member. Apply knowledge and skills to assume appropriate responsibilities in direct patient care. (B,S,Y)
1 Credit

PTBS 50800 Evidence Based Practice I (NLA)

Explores how research literature can guide clinical decision making and form the basis for contemporary physical therapist practice. Emphasize how evidence is used to answer clinical questions that affect the examination process, evaluation procedures, and interventions commonly used by physical therapists. Examine the historical background for evidence based practice. Analyze the fundamental components of evidence based practice. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (S,Y)
3 Credits

PTBS 50900 Integrated Clinical Experience II (NLA)

This second clinical education experience provides students with an opportunity to work with patients under the supervision of a faculty member in a diverse experience. Students will apply knowledge and skills and assume appropriate responsibilities in direct patient care. Pass/Fail only. Prerequisites: PTBS 50700. (S,Y,B)
1 Credit

PTBS 51000 Joint Mobilization (NLA)

Lecture and laboratory course that provides an evidence based manual therapy approach toward evaluation and management of musculoskeletal conditions using joint mobilization. Emphasis will be on enhancing the student's clinical reasoning and manual therapy skills. Prerequisites: PTBS 50200 and PTBS 50300. (S,Y)
2 Credits

PTBS 51002 Human Anatomy

Study of the gross anatomical components of the human body through the use of lecture and cadaver dissection. Emphasis is placed on the musculoskeletal and neurovascular systems found in the extremities, trunk, chest, and abdominal walls, and in the head and neck. Prerequisites: BIOL-20600. (Sum,Y)
6 Credits

PTBS 51100 Therapeutic Exercise (NLA)

A comprehensive analysis of the scientific principles of exercise commonly used in physical therapy practice. Specific exercise programs will be discussed, as well as adaptations of tissue to activity and immobilization. Prerequisites: PTBS 50200 and PTBS 50400. (S,Y)
3 Credits

PTBS 51103 Pathology for Physical Therapists (LA)

Examination of the components of general disease and injury processes and specific components of selected diseases likely to be encountered in physical therapy practice. General pathology topics described include cell and tissue injury, inflammation, and the healing and repair process. Specific focus on diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, integumentary, and nerve systems. Emphasis is placed on understanding the underlying mechanisms of structural and functional disruptions for adults, with secondary comparisons to pathology across the life span. This course provides background information necessary for performing differential diagnosis and patient treatments. Prerequisites: PTBS 51002; PTBS 31300. (S,Y)
3 Credits

PTBS 51200 Acute Care (NLA)

Provides knowledge related to and skills required in the acute care setting. Develop competency in acute care evaluations, interventions, and discharge planning. Integrate curricular content to address the complex patient and dynamic environment encountered in acute care. Prerequisites: PTBS 51600. (F,Y)
2 Credits

PTBS 51300 Electrotherapeutic Modalities and Physical Agents (NLA)

Explores the biophysical, physiological, and clinical principles and procedures associated with the application of electromagnetic and acoustic energy in the clinical management of pathological conditions. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (S,Y)
3 Credits

PTBS 51400 Medical Screening II (NLA)

Builds on the principles introduced in Medical Screening I allowing the students to integrate these principles into an efficient and effective patient examination. A systematic approach to evaluating a patient’s history and performing a systems review allows students to identify risk factors, red flags, visceral pain patterns, and constitutional symptoms that warrant a medical referral. Decisions for recommending lab tests or imaging are based on specific medical conditions and current appropriateness criteria. Prerequisites: PTBS 50600. (S,Y)
2 Credits

PTBS 51500 Health Care Systems (NLA)

This course familiarizes students with the basic constructs of the U.S. health care system, with emphasis on how system components influence patient referrals, delivery of care, reimbursement, and outcomes. Prerequisites: PTBS 40100. (S,B,Y)
1 Credit

PTBS 51600 Mobility Training (NLA)

Introduces patient/client care techniques related to mobility training including bed mobility, transfer training, gait training with a variety of assistive devices, elevation training, and wheelchair mobility. Familiarizes students with the initial steps in the patient-therapist relationship including professional behaviors and oral communication. Review of cardiovascular systems is also included. Develops the skills necessary to ensure the safety of both the patient/client and the student/therapist in a clinical environment. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (F,Y)
1 Credit

PTBS 51700 Professional Development I (NLA)

Introduces professionalism including professional and ethical behavior, as well as our professional organization. Develops effective listening skills. Prepares to teach in a variety of settings and formats for academic, clinical, and professional purposes. Includes teaching/learning theories and styles, ability to adapt teaching for a variety of audiences, domains of learning, instructional objectives, teaching methods, instructional technology, and feedback. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (F)
1 Credit

PTBS 51800 Pathology for Physical Therapists (NLA)

Examines the components of general disease and injury processes and specific components of selected diseases likely to be encountered in physical therapy practice. Describes general pathology topics including cell and tissue injury, inflammation, and the healing and repair process. Focuses specifically on diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, integumentary, and nerve systems. Emphasizes understanding the underlying mechanisms of structural and functional disruptions for adults, with secondary comparisons to pathology across the life span. Provides background information necessary for performing differential diagnosis and patient treatments that will be taught in future coursework. Prerequisites: PTBS 50100. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PTBS 51900 Patient Care Skills I (NLA)

Introduces written documentation of physical therapy services using the American Physical Therapy Association's Patient/Client Management Model and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability. Patient care related to mobility training including bed mobility, transfers, gait with a variety of assistive devices, and stair climbing will also be introduced. (U,Y)
1 Credit

PTBS 52000 Patient Care Skills II (NLA)

Enforces patient/client care techniques related to mobility training including bed mobility, transfers, gait with a variety of assistive devices, and stair climbing that was taught in Patient Care Skills I and adds wheelchair management with hands-on practice. Familiarizes students with the initial steps in the patient-therapist relationship including professional behaviors, oral communication, and written communication. Review of cardiovascular systems is also included. Develops the skills necessary to ensure the safety of both the patient/client and the student/therapist in a clinical environment. Incorporates defensible documentation in a daily note, progress note, and discharge summary. Prerequisites: PTBS 51900. (F,Y)
1 Credit

PTBS 52102 Musculoskeletal Examination and Evaluation (NLA)

Introduction to the patient/client management model with emphasis on examination, evaluation, and diagnosis of musculoskeletal problems of the extremities. Emphasis is placed on the following skills: patient history, range of motion, goniometry, muscle performance testing, flexibility testing, ligament testing, special orthopedic tests, and posture as it relates to the extremities. Prerequisites: PHYS 10100; PHYS 10200; PTBS 51002. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PTBS 52203 Soft Tissue Palpation and Examination (NLA)

This lecture and laboratory course examines various methods of soft tissue examination and intervention. It covers a broad spectrum of techniques while teaching the skills of the most commonly used methods. Some of the techniques are more scientifically evidence-based than others. The course emphasizes critical assessment and the need for research-based analysis. It develops palpation skills, including the examination and evaluation of soft tissue dysfunction. Prerequisite: PTBS 51002. Corequisites: PTBS 52102; PTBS 53702. (F,Y).
2 Credits

PTBS 52304 Peripheral Joint Mobilization (NLA)

Lecture and laboratory course preparing students to incorporate passive mobility testing into the patient/client examination. Students also learn to use passive joint mobilization interventions for patient/client with peripheral joint pathologies. Prerequisites: PTBS 52102; PTBS 52203. (S,Y)
1.5 Credits

PTBS 52405 Therapeutic Exercise (NLA)

A comprehensive analysis of the scientific principles of exercise commonly used in physical therapy practice. Specific exercise programs address muscle performance, endurance, mobility, and balance impairments. Adaptations of tissue on activity and immobilization are also discussed. Prerequisites: PTBS 31300; PTBS 52102; PTBS 53702 3 credits. (S,Y)
3 Credits

PTBS 53101 Electrotherapeutic Modalities and Physical Agents (NLA)

The study of the biophysical, physiological, and clinical principles and procedures associated with the application of electromagnetic and acoustic energy in the prevention and treatment of pathological conditions. Prerequisites: PHYS 10100; PHYS 10200; PTBS 51002. (S,Y)
4 Credits

PTBS 53702 Applied Biomechanics (LA)

Application of mechanical principles to human movement. Particular attention to the effect of forces in producing normal movement. Students are required to apply their knowledge of anatomy to understanding individual joint function, as well as the integrated function of several joints during complex activities such as the normal gait. Prerequisites: PHYS 10100; PHYS 10200; PTBS 51002. (F,Y)
Attributes: NS
3 Credits

PTBS 54001 Professional Development I (NLA)

Description of physical therapy as a profession in the United States, including history, professional organization, roles of the physical therapist and related personnel, and scope of practice. Prerequisites: Senior standing. (F,Y)
.5 Credit

PTBS 54102 Preclinical Conference I (NLA)

Series of sessions to explain clinical education policies and procedures and choose sites for clinical affiliations. Prerequisites: Senior standing; clinical health studies major. Pass/fail only. (Su,Y)
0 Credit

PTBS 54203 Professional Development II (NLA)

Introduction to the Practice Act, Code of Ethics, roles of paraprofessionals, professional and ethical behavior, and effective communication styles. Instruction in clinical education teams, models of clinical education, and assessment of clinical performance. Corequisite: PTBS 55501. Prerequisites: PTBS 54001. (S,Y)
Attributes: CP
1 Credit

PTBS 55501 Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Setting (NLA)

Preparation to teach in a variety of settings and formats for academic, clinical, and professional purposes. Content is applicable to community presentations, group in-services, and presentations, as well as patient/family and other individualized teaching. Includes teaching/learning theories and styles, impact of age, culture, environment, and motivation, domains of learning, instructional objectives, teaching methods, and instructional technology. Evaluation, feedback, and outcome measurements are included. (S,Y)
1 Credit

PTBS 59000-59005 Selected Topics in Physical Therapy (NLA)

Clinical and professional topics of current interest to faculty and students. This course may be repeated for credit for different selected topics. Pre-requisites: As appropriate to topics. Pass/fail only .5-3 credits (IRR)
0-3 Credits

PTBS 59900 Honors Project (NLA)

For the exceptional student who wishes to pursue graduate research. Results will be summarized in a research proposal, which is a preliminary step toward a graduate thesis. Prerequisites: PTBS 41000; permission of department chair. Note: All undergraduates taking this course for graduate credit must satisfy the conditions listed under "Course Levels." 3 credits. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 59500-59505 Clinical Grand Rounds (NLA)

Provides students with the opportunity to participate in physical therapy services for a variety of patients/clients with neuromusculoskeletal pathologies seen in the Ithaca College Occupational and Physical Therapy Clinic. Students participate in the physical therapy patient/client management model under the direct supervision of a licensed physical therapist.
1 Credit

PDPT 59900-59905 Selected Topics in Physical Therapy (NLA)

Clinical and professional topics of current interest to faculty and students. This course may be repeated for credit for different selected topics. (IRR)
0-3 Credits

PDPT 60100 Wellness and Prevention (NLA)

Explores the role of physical therapy in wellness and prevention of common health concerns of individuals, groups and communities. Develops the awareness and expertise of the physical therapist in functioning in this capacity. Reinforces the physiological rationale behind designing comprehensive wellness programs. Emphasis on identifying risks, performing culturally appropriate health and wellness interventions, general concepts of program development and assessment, and integration for teaching/learning and motivation strategies. Also explores national agenda regarding health promotion and prevention of chronic disease. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (F,Y,B)
1 Credit

PDPT 60200 Neuroscience (NLA)

This course covers an in-depth study of the nervous system structure and function important to the practice of physical therapy. Topics include the physical and electrical properties of cells in the nervous system, sensory-motor integration, motor and postural control, clinical syndromes, plasticity and nervous system development. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (B,F,Y)
5 Credits

PDPT 60300 Musculoskeletal II (NLA)

Examination of and interventions for patients with neuromusculoskeletal conditions affecting the spine. Students learn objective measurements of spinal posture, mobility, and function to differentiate among various spinal conditions. Selected interventions are presented and practiced. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 60400 Neuromuscular Foundations (NLA)

Prepares students to perform a complete physical therapy neurological examination of patients with peripheral and central nervous system disorders. Students will be directed to perform specific tests that examine cognition, sensation, perception, muscle tone, motor function, balance, gait, and function. The measurement properties of these clinical tests and balance and gait outcome measures will be discussed. Neuroplasticity and motor control theories will be presented. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 60500 Pharmacology (NLA)

The course analyzes the action of basic drugs, including such variables as how the drug is administered, absorbed, distributed, stored, metabolized, and excreted. Evaluation of how drugs are selected for specific pathology is also included. Special emphasis is placed on drugs that are commonly used to treat disorders seen in patients receiving physical therapy. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (F,Y)
2 Credits

PDPT 60600 Integrated Clinical Experience III (NLA)

This clinical education experience provides students with an opportunity to work with patients under the supervision of a faculty member with increasing independence in a diverse experience. Students will apply knowledge and skills in order to assume greater responsibilities in direct patient care. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Prerequisites: Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies. (F,S,Y)
1 Credit

PDPT 60700 Pathokinesiology (NLA)

This course presents specific pathological conditions (primarily organized according to anatomical regions) that result in disorders of posture, movement and locomotion. The presentation and analyses of these pathological conditions include neurological, neuromotor, and musculoskeletal aspects with respect to the causes of dysfunction. Laboratory exercises require the student to use movement analysis equipment to demonstrate pathomechanics and abnormal movement patterns. The course builds upon the foundations of movement analysis examined during Applied Biomechanics PTBS-50400. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 60800 Evidence-Based Practice II (NLA)

Focus is on how research is used to guide clinical decision-making and form the basis for contemporary physical therapist practice. Specifically, this course will build upon principles introduced in PTBS 50800 and acquaint students with how to access and critically review the literature to answer clinical questions. Students will evaluate and categorize specific articles that illustrate various types and levels of evidence. Students will also explore specific clinical questions, access the scientific literature using computer databases, and plan interventions based on the strength of the available evidence. Finally, this course will prepare the student to enter PDPT 61600 in their final professional year so they will be able to examine the existing literature and identify areas for future research. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (S,Y)
2 Credits

PDPT 60900 Motor Development across the Lifespan (NLA)

Typical motor development processes from the embryo to old age. Review of research and theory; evaluation of gross motor and fine motor development; and the influence of perception, visualization and auditory, kinesthetic, and cognitive input on the acquisition of motor skills. Lifespan issues will be addressed. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (S,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 61000 Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Testing and Management (NLA)

A review of normal cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology, and the response of these systems to exercise and disease. Cardiovascular and pulmonary pathologies are discussed, including a review of the medical and surgical management of specific diseases. Evaluation procedures used to determine the status of cardiovascular and pulmonary function are studied and performed in the laboratory. Clinical management procedures used by all members of the rehabilitation team are reviewed, with emphasis on specific physical therapy procedures for people with cardiovascular and pulmonary problems. (S,Y)
4 Credits

PDPT 61100 Neurological Rehabilitation I (NLA)

This course focuses on the body structure/function impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions experienced by individuals with neurologic health conditions resulting from acquired disorders of the central nervous system. Students will apply a systematic clinical decision-making approach to the physical therapy examination of these individuals. By integrating data from the patient's medical history with reports from interdisciplinary team members, and findings from standardized examinations and functional task analysis, a movement system diagnosis and a realistic prognosis will be established. Design and progression of the physical therapy plan of care will be considered, guided by current concepts of neuroplasticity and neurotherapeutics. Completion of BS in Clinical Health Studies required. (S,Y)
4 Credits

PDPT 61200 Clinical Education I (NLA)

The first full time placement for the student in a clinical environment where they have the close supervision of a clinical instructor. This experience provides an opportunity to practice and develop skills in analyzing motor performance, in examination and intervention of joint and soft tissue pathologies and spinal dysfunction. The student should also exhibit an understanding of the administration of a physical therapy department. The student continues to synthesize all previous professional coursework. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Successful completion of all prior required coursework and a passing score on the Comprehensive Practical exam is required. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (U,Y)
4 Credits

PDPT 61300 Clinical Orthopedics (NLA)

Reviews the medical and conservative management of common orthopedic disorders. Initially the course focuses on review of basic principles of orthopedic diagnosis and pathology, followed by medical and conservative management of common orthopedic disorders of the extremities and spine. An expectation is that students will integrate information gained from prior coursework. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (B,F,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 61400 Clinical Administration in Physical Therapy (NLA)

In this course students learn how to start and manage a physical therapy practice. The course focuses on organizational structure, management, program development, facilities, staffing, information systems, reimbursement, marketing, and fiscal planning. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 61500 Neurological Rehabilitation II (NLA)

This course builds on concepts introduced in PDPT 61100, with a focus on the body structure/function impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions experienced by individuals with neurologic health conditions resulting from specific acquired disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system. Students will gain continued exposure to the application of a systematic clinical decision-making approach to the physical therapy examination process, integrating data from the patient's medical history with reports from interdisciplinary team members and findings from standardized examinations and functional task analysis to arrive at a movement system diagnosis and establish a realistic prognosis. Design and progression of the physical therapy plan of care will be considered, guided by current concepts of neuroplasticity and neurotherapeutics as it applies to the health conditions that are considered. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 61600 Case Report I (NLA)

This course is focused on case report methodology to model evidence based practice. Students will identify a relevant case during Clinical Education I and use the information to base their project on. Online lectures will focus on how to prepare a manuscript, abstract, and poster presentation. Students will have frequent individual and small group meetings with a project mentor throughout the semester. Prerequisites: PDPT 61200. (F,Y)
2 Credits

PDPT 61700 Pediatric Rehabilitation (NLA)

This course focuses on the etiology, pathology, diagnosis, medical, surgical, and physical therapy management of pediatric disorders of the neuromuscular system (inherited and acquired disorders of development and movement). Using the International Classification of Functioning and Disability (ICF) framework, students will apply systematic clinical decision-making that integrates all aspects of patient-client management for infants, toddlers, children, teens, and young adults aged birth to 21 years. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (F,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 61800 Orthotics/Prosthetics (NLA)

An in-depth review of the principles and practices of orthotics and prosthetics as applied by a physical therapist. This includes a survey of the basic biomechanical principles used in applying orthotic and prosthetic appliances as well as principles of patient application, training and management of complications. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (F,Y)
2 Credits

PDPT 61900 Clinical Education II (NLA)

This is a student's second full time placement in a clinical environment, giving the opportunity to apply more advanced theories and treatment procedures to a selected patient caseload with guidance from a clinical instructor. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (S,Y)
5 Credits

PDPT 62000 Psychosocial Aspects of Patient Care (NLA)

A review of psychological and social issues affecting patients and therapists in the clinic, home, and community. Addresses special topics relevant to assessing a patient's and a clinician's response to illness. These topics include health, culture, sexuality, bias, disability, abuse, psychosomatic illness, pain perception, grief and loss, and selected psychiatric disorders. Students will consider psychological, social, cultural and ethical issues of clients/patients and physical therapists' interactions in current practice settings. Emphasis will be placed on health, illness, and disability. Various theoretical frameworks will be introduced. Students will participate in large and small group discussions and have opportunities to reflect on their own values, beliefs, and biases as well as their past health-related experiences. The aim of the course is to integrate the psychosocial and physical aspects of patient care and yield reflective and effective health care providers. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (S,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 62100 Advanced Clinical Management (NLA)

This course focuses on the clinical reasoning process to manage complex cases and the interaction with other healthcare specialists. Students will be required to integrate concepts from previous coursework as they consider reasoning strategies for cases with multisystem disease. This case-based course will require students to work through diagnosis, prognosis, and interventions, including treatment progression and consideration of the need for referral of multi-disciplinary management. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (S,Y)
2 Credits

PDPT 62200 Case Report II (NLA)

This course is a continuation of Case Report I that is focused on case report methodology to model evidence based practice. Frequent meetings with a project mentor occurs throughout the semester while the student writes their final paper and prepares for presentation. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (S,Y)
1 Credit

PDPT 62300 Professional Development III (NLA)

A continuation of the professional development series, this course advances the students' understanding and application of their role as a professional in their relationship with patients/clients, in the practice setting and in our society. Analyses of clinical situations facilitate student exploration of ethical decision-making, patient advocacy, cultural diversity, leadership, and application of professionalism. Strategies for adaptability and time management in the clinical setting are presented. This class prepares students to enter the workforce, begin clinical practice, and continue on a path of lifelong learning. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (S,Y)
1 Credit

PDPT 62400 Clinical Education III (NLA)

This is a student's final full time placement in a clinical environment. This course is the capstone course in the clinical education series. At the conclusion of the 12-week placement, the student is expected to demonstrate entry level physical therapy practice. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all prior required coursework. (U,Y)
6 Credits

PDPT 62500 Integrated Clinical Experience II (NLA)

Provides students with an opportunity to work with patients under the supervision of a faculty member. Students will apply learned knowledge and skills and assume appropriate responsibilities in direct patient care. This second clinical education experience is integrated into the curriculum. (F,Y)
1 Credit

PDPT 62800 Health Care Systems (NLA)

Introduces the basic constructs of the US health care system with emphasis on how system components influence patient referrals, delivery of care, reimbursement, and outcomes in physical therapy. (F,Y)
1 Credit

PDPT 62900 Independent Clinical Study (NLA)

This course is designed to meet the individual needs of a student, which are identified during a clinical education course. Content of this course will address specific objectives identified by the student, the clinical instructor(s), and the director of clinical education. Prerequisites: All previous coursework; faculty permission required. (F,S,Y)
1-3 Credits

PDPT 63100 Research Project I (NLA)

Review literature relevant to the research question, practice and modify the methods based on pilot data, complete CITI training, and potentially start data collection in small groups. Complete a draft of the introduction and method section of a manuscript. This is the first of a three-course research sequence based on a faculty-lead research project. (F,S,IRR,Y)
1 Credit

PDPT 63200 Research Project II (NLA)

Continue a research project with a faculty mentor. Revise drafts of introduction and methods sections. Collect data in small groups. Begin data analysis and drafts of results section. This is the second of a three-course research sequence based on a faculty-lead research project. Prerequisites: PDPT 63100. (F,IRR,S,Y)
1 Credit

PDPT 63300 Research Project III (NLA)

Continue a research project with a faculty mentor. Complete final data analysis and revise drafts to complete a final paper and prepare an abstract and presentation. This is the third of a three-research course sequence based on a faculty mentored research project. Prerequisites: PDPT 63200. (F,IRR,S,Y)
1 Credit

PDPT 69000-69005 Selected Topics in Physical Therapy (NLA)

Clinical and professional topics of current interest to faculty and students. This course may be repeated for credit for different selected topics. (IRR)
0-3 Credits

PDPT 69300 Clinical Education IV

This is the fourth course in the clinical education series. The student is expected to begin to assume the role of the primary physical therapist under the direct supervision of a licensed physical therapist. The student begins to manage all aspects of patient care. One six-week session. Student must register for this course and PDPT 69400 or register for PDPT 69500. Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only. (Sum,Y)
3 Credits

PDPT 69900 Independent Study (NLA)

This course, which requires a faculty sponsor, allows students to complete an in-depth study or project in an area of their interest related to physical therapy. Includes a final presentation. Prerequisites: Permission of faculty sponsor, academic adviser, graduate chair, and dean. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits. (F,S,Y)
1-3 Credits