Academic Catalog

M.A.T. in Computer Science Education Transitional B Pathway

The M.A.T. in Computer Science Education Transitional B Pathway is designed for candidates seeking initial teacher certification in New York State who lack courses in teaching, but who possess a bachelors or masters degree with a major in the subject they plan to teach. This program is designed for candidates seeking initial teaching certification in Computer Science Education, grades K–12. After completing the introductory pedagogical component through a rigorous summer term, candidates in this pathway are eligible to be employed as full-time certified teachers of record in NYS public schools. 


Core education and pedagogy courses30
Discipline-specific courses6
Total Credits36

Degree Requirements

EDUC 50100Literacy Development for Linguistically Diverse Learners3
EDUC 50300The Exceptional Child and the Classroom3
EDUC 50000Professional Development Seminar0
EDUC 50800Assessment in the Disciplines3
EDUC 50810Pedagogy and Practice across the Disciplines3
EDUC 51610Pedagogy and Practice for the Computer Science Teacher3
EDUC 51210Seminar in Reflective Practice3
EDUC 56600Educational Technology for Middle and Secondary Educators3
EDUC 60000Professional Semester in Education6
EDUC 60500Foundations of Language, Literacy, and Culture3
EDUC 19210Child Abuse Identification and Prevention0
EDUC 19230School Violence Prevention0
EDUC 19240Harassment, Bullying, and Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention0
EDUC 50700Advanced Content Knowledge in the Discipline (must be taken twice)6
Total Credits36