Academic Catalog

Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 55000 The Art of Translation: Spanish to English, English to Spanish (LA)

Extensive study of the Spanish language through translation. Students will be exposed to theories of translation and will develop skills in English/Spanish and Spanish/English translation using a variety of texts (letters, literary selections, journalism, advertisements, and “how to” material). Close readings of the material translated help students focus on the nuances of each language and appreciate cultural differences. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
3 Credits

SPAN 55400 Cervantes (LA)

In-depth study of Don Quixote and a selected group of novelas ejemplares (short stories) and plays, with particular reference to Cervantes’s unique contributions to the modern novel and world literature. Offered in a four-year cycle with SPAN 55500, SPAN 55600, and SPAN 55700. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
Attributes: HU
3 Credits

SPAN 55500 Golden Age Drama (LA)

Extensive study of Spanish Golden Age drama, including its precepts and literary manifestations. Emphasis will be given to the relationship between the state and the stage. There will be close analysis of Lope de Vega’s seminal works as well as those written by Calderón, Tirso de Molina, and Alarcón. Offered in a four-year cycle with SPAN 55400, SPAN 55600, and SPAN 55700. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
Attributes: HU
3 Credits

SPAN 55600 Golden Age Poetry (LA)

Thorough study of the poetry of Spain’s Golden Age. Examination of the Italianate poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega and his role in the development of Spanish lyrical poetry as manifested in the writings of Fray Luis de León, Lope de Vega, Francisco de Quevedo, and San Juan de la Cruz. Offered in a four-year cycle with SPAN 55400, SPAN 55500, and SPAN 55700. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
Attributes: HU
3 Credits

SPAN 55700 Golden Age Prose (LA)

In-depth study of Spain’s Golden Age prose through close analysis of novelistic genres that include the picaresque and pastoral novels as well as short stories. Offered in a four-year cycle with SPAN 55400, SPAN 55500, and SPAN 55600. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
Attributes: HU
3 Credits

SPAN 56100 Medieval Spanish Literature (LA)

In-depth study and analysis of representative texts from medieval Spain, such as Poema de Mio Cid, Libro de Buen Amor, and La Celestina. Students will also consider the coexistence of Christians, Jews, and Muslims, and their contributions to the development of Western civilization. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
Attributes: HU
3 Credits

SPAN 56300 Nineteenth-Century Spanish Literature (LA)

Thorough focus on the significant novels, short stories, poetry, and essays of the literary schools and movements of 19th-century Spain. Readings will include realist and naturalist authors such as Mariano José de Larra, Juan Valera, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Rosalía de Castro, Benito Pérez Galdós, and Emilia Pardo Bazán. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
3 Credits

SPAN 56400 Contemporary Spanish Literature (LA)

Extensive textual analysis of Spanish literature from the turn of the 20th century to the present day. Topics may include the generation of ’98; the generation of ’27, Tremendismo, and post-Franco prose and poetry. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between literature and society. Genres studied may include fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and essays. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
3 Credits

SPAN 57100 Latin American Fiction (LA)

Extensive study of the works of major Latin American fiction writers. Readings include works by Borges, Fuentes, Cortázar, García Márquez, and Allende. Offered in a four-year cycle with SPAN 57200, SPAN 57300, and SPAN 57400. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
3 Credits

SPAN 57200 Latin American Poetry and Drama (LA)

Thorough analysis of works written by major Latin American contemporary poets and playwrights. Offered in a four-year cycle with SPAN 57100, SPAN 57300, and SPAN 57400. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
3 Credits

SPAN 57300 Modernismo (LA)

In-depth analysis of modernismo (1888-1910), Latin America’s first authentic literary movement. Close readings of poetry, fiction, and essays by the likes of José Martí, Julian del Casal, Rubén Darío, José Asunción Silva, Leopoldo Lugones, and José Enrique Rodó. Offered in a four-year cycle with SPAN 57100, SPAN 57200, and SPAN 57400. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
3 Credits

SPAN 57400 Topics in Latin American Literature (LA)

In-depth study of literary themes such as the conquest and the colonial experience, Latin America’s search for identity, the dictator in Latin American literature, fiction and revolution, nation building, and cultural spaces. Offered in a four-year cycle with SPAN 57100, SPAN 57200, and SPAN 57300. Prerequisite: Graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor. (IRR)
3 Credits

SPAN 59100 Seminar (LA)

Study of selected topics in Spanish and/or Latin American literature and/or culture. Prerequisites: A minimum of two Spanish literature courses numbered SPAN 33700 or above. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits when topics vary. (F-S,Y)
3 Credits

SPAN 59900 Independent Study: Spanish (LA)

Individual research, study, and/or writing on particular topics, supervised by a member of the department. Offered on demand only. Prerequisites: permission of instructor. (IRR)
1-3 Credits