Academic Advising and Student Services
Faculty Advising
At Ithaca College, effective academic advising forms a crucial part of the educational experience. The college community is dedicated to offering the necessary support, guidance, and direction that students require to explore their life and career aspirations and formulate their educational plans. This advising relationship, which is a collaborative and ongoing dialogue, goes beyond mere course selection. It aims to aid all students as they navigate academic programs, immerse themselves in college life, concentrate on a major, and prepare for a lifetime of learning, citizenship, and service in a global society.
Every student is assigned a faculty advisor from their respective school or program. These faculty advisors are responsible for sharing information on major, minor, and graduation requirements. They also direct students to the appropriate individuals or offices when additional assistance is needed and can assist in finding information on academic policies, procedures, and deadlines. Besides meeting with their faculty advisors during registration periods, students are encouraged to proactively seek their advisors’ help before academic issues arise. By establishing a close working relationship with their faculty advisors, students can gain a better understanding of the extensive range of educational opportunities available at the College. The most fruitful and enjoyable student-advisor relationships are fostered through regular interaction and open communication.
Student Accessibility Services
Ithaca College seeks to ensure that all students have access to its programs and activities. Student Accessibility Services assists students in accessing reasonable accommodations and in determining which accommodations are appropriate.
Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to, testing modifications, academic accommodations such as note-taking support, adaptive technology, materials in alternate format, special housing arrangements and referral for other support services.
The Office of Employee Relations and Equity Compliance oversees the College’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).
For additional contact and location information, visit the Student Accessibility Services website or call 607-274-1005.
Peer Tutoring and Coaching Services
Tutoring is available to all Ithaca College students free of charge through the Center for Student Success. Students are assigned tutors on a first-come, first-served basis. Tutoring is available for a standard list of course offerings each semester, assistance may be offered in other courses as well.
Peer tutors, referred to as Learning Coaches, provide coaching through challenging course material, using a variety of strategies designed to help students learn and enhance their critical thinking skills. All Learning Coaches are recommended by faculty. In addition, Learning Coaches complete a training course based on standards set forth by the College Reading and Learning Association and other national organizations.
Tutoring and Academic Enrichment Services is also home to the Emerging Academic and Professional Leaders Program. This learning community offers academic assistance, professional development, and cultural support to students from diverse backgrounds in all majors.
For more contact and location information, visit the Center for Student Success website.
Center for Student Success
The Center for Student Success (CSS) is Ithaca College’s central resource for academic support and academic performance enhancement, serving undergraduate students from the summer before orientation through graduation. CSS offers professional success coaching, course-specific tutoring, connection to student services in other offices, and a broad spectrum of skills and personal development workshops. It is the home of the largest base of peer educators at Ithaca College, including the peer success coaching and first-year peer leader programs dedicated to helping students learn the skills, knowledge and dispositions to become successful collegiate scholars. Students may connect to the center by walking in, making an appointment, as well as being referred by a staff or faculty member for academic concerns, need for additional support and skill-building, or their potential to become a peer educator.
To learn more about contact and location information, visit the Center for Student Success website.
Writing Center
The Writing Center, located on the ground floor of Smiddy Hall, serves all students who wish to become better writers. It offers individual and small group tutorials to students needing assistance at any stage of the writing process in any discipline, from brainstorming ideas to revising drafts for clarity, coherence, correctness, and documentation of sources. Assistance is also offered in improving reading comprehension and refining written English skills for international students.
Information Technology
All computers in the library, classrooms, campus computer labs, and other College facilities are supported by the Information Technology office. Every school in the College offers courses that include computing. Students studying such diverse topics as music theory, developmental psychology, finance, physical therapy, or writing will find opportunities to use computers for class. An extensive collection of programming languages, data analysis packages, and business programs supports the curriculum. IT provides free workshops and consulting services to Ithaca College students, staff and faculty.
Information Technology supports student computer facilities located all over the campus. This includes Macintosh and Windows computer classrooms, along with a number of open-access labs staffed by student consultants. All Ithaca College students automatically receive a Netpass account for accessing email and other IC systems.
Ithaca College has partnered with Apogee, who provides reliable, high-speed wired and wireless (MyResNet) internet service in residence halls.
To learn more about contact and location information, visit the IT website.
Career Exploration and Development
The Center for Career Exploration and Development is accessible to all students and alumni of Ithaca College, at any point in their time at the College or in their career. Students can take advantage of the Center’s services as soon as they arrive on campus; the sooner students begin collaborating with the Center, the more assistance they receive in accessing resources, identifying opportunities, building a network, and staying informed about how their experiences will benefit their future endeavors. A Career Engagement Specialist provides one-on-one support to students as they consider their career aspirations and contemplate the numerous factors that influence their goals. Specialists can guide students to construct a personalized 4-year plan to optimize their time at IC and best prepare for their transition into the workforce.
More information on the Center’s services and resources are available on the Career Exploration & Development website, where students can also make an appointment for a one-on-one meeting with a Career Engagement Specialist.
Special Academic Opportunities
Qualified students can pursue special prestigious academic opportunities such as the Rhodes Scholarship, Truman Scholarship, Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, Minority Leaders Fellowship Program, and the All-USA College Academic Team recognition. For information on the institutional nomination process and other details, contact the Office of the Provost. Students interested in the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship should contact the Office of the Dean in the School of Humanities and Sciences.
Multicultural Academic Programs
The Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Scholar Program is open to academically talented students who have an interest in community service, civic engagement, and social justice. Scholars receive up to full tuition in aid every year, with a minimum merit-based scholarship of $30,000. MLK scholar awards are renewable annually. MLK scholars are expected to:
- Maintain a cumulative 3.0 average.
- Participate in community service each semester during their sophomore, junior, and senior year.
- Execute the Civil Rights Presentation during Ithaca College’s MLK Week during their first year.
- Live in the Shared Journeys- The BIPOC Experience Residential Learning Community, during their first year.
- Be eligible to travel with the program.
- Complete the Student Leadership Institute (SLI)
- Participate in the Co-Curricular Symposium sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement
- and participate in all required programs, including orientation, seminars, and meetings, and in at least 80 percent of other planned events and activities.
The Ithaca Achievement Program (IAP) is a scholar program that spans their college years and is designed to provide additional community, skill building, and a scholarship each year. Recipients have various requirements depending on their year. Remodeled around the eight dimensions of wellness, students who choose to participate in this academic program receive academic, social, and career support/assistance tailored to meet their needs. They take part in a wide variety of educational, cultural, social, and community service activities to enhance their success. Students may join the IAP as entering first-year students or as rising sophomores or juniors. IAP participants who complete all program requirements are eligible to receive an Ithaca Achievement Grant, renewable each year. Scholars are expected to:
- Maintain a 2.5 GPA,
- Attend monthly All Program Meetings, SLI workshops, and personal,
- Engage with Faculty and tutoring opportunities,
- Participate in community service opportunities, and
- Maintain good academic and judicial status.
The primary mission of the Ithaca College library is to enhance teaching and learning through the provision of flexible, diverse, and user-centered information services and resources. The library staff strives to create an organization that is receptive to change, recognized for efficient management, and committed to user service and satisfaction. Librarians provide research assistance via text, chat, and in-person consultations. LibQuest, a web-based app, introduces students to library resources and services. Instructional workshops focusing on introductory and advanced research in subject areas are offered across the campus. Course-related reserve materials are also available in print and electronically. The Library facility is organized to support a variety of user needs, with group study and quiet/silent study zones on individual floors.
In consultation with faculty and students, librarians develop a collection of materials in print, audio, video, film, and electronic formats, accessible through the library’s online research portal. A web-based interlibrary loan service provides access to materials not owned by the library. The Digital Commons @IC highlights the scholarly work of students and faculty.
The library staff is committed to continually improving its services, resources, and facilities, maintaining a community dialogue on its website and purchasing new resources in response to user requests. For current information on library services and resources, visit the Ithaca College Library website.