Academic Catalog

Health and Safety at Ithaca College

The Office of Public Safety & Emergency Management (Public Safety) is located at the Center for Public Safety and General Services on Farm Pond Road. Public Safety operates 24 hours per day, year-round and can be contacted by dialing 911 or 3333 from any campus phone or by calling (607) 274-3333. Ithaca College community members may also contact Public Safety via the Rave Guardian App or by activating a blue-light phone or emergency call box across campus.

Public Safety is comprised of Patrol & Security Services, Parking Services, Environmental Health & Safety, Emergency Management, Clery Act Compliance, Prevention Education, and Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol (SASP). Public Safety is a dedicated team of professional staff experienced in human services, law enforcement, community policing, criminal investigations, crisis intervention, community mental health, emergency preparation and response, event management, education and program development, information technology, fire safety and occupational health and safety.
Public Safety’s areas of responsibility include but are not limited to:

  • preparing for and responding to emergencies,
  • victim support services,
  • providing safety escorts,
  • fire safety,
  • occupational health and safety, 
  • crime prevention education,
  • community engagement,
  • special event staffing,
  • public health preparedness,
  • repository for lost and found,
  • administering vehicle assistance,
  • and managing vehicular and traffic control on campus.

Public Safety strives to enhance the quality of community life by fostering healthy and positive relationships and partnerships with on and off campus community members. For a comprehensive view of services provided, visit the Public Safety website.

Reporting to Public Safety

Public Safety serves as the primary emergency response agency for the Ithaca College community. Campus community members and visitors are expected to report all on-campus crimes and unusual or suspicious activity promptly and accurately to Public Safety by calling 911 or 3333 from any Ithaca College campus phone or 607-274-3333 from your cellular device. If you are off-campus and do not know who to contact, please do not hesitate to contact Public Safety for a referral or connection to the appropriate agency.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is a federal consumer protection law that mandates colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. The Clery Act aims to build the foundation of crime prevention awareness, support victims of violence, and equip the campus community with timely, accurate, and complete information about crime, enabling them to make informed decisions for their safety.

In compliance with the Clery Act, Ithaca College is required to prepare, publish, and distribute an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report by October 1st to the entire campus community, prospective students, and prospective employees.

The report includes information regarding:

  • safety and security policies and procedures;
  • campus security education and prevention programs;
  • crime reporting procedures and statistical disclosures;
  • fire safety policies and fire statistics;
  • alcohol and drug policies;
  • emergency communication systems and procedures;
  • sexual assault education and prevention programs;
  • procedures for reporting sex-based harassment, including sex discrimination to include, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault/sexual violence. stalking;
  • procedures for handling reports of sexual assault and domestic violence;
  • and, victim advocacy information, to include services and resources available both on and off campus.

The report is publicly available and can be viewed at: 2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. Paper copies are also available upon request. Please direct your requests to the Office of Public Safety by emailing:
The crime statistics for Ithaca College contained in the annual security report are submitted to the U.S. Department of Education (ED) through a web-based data collection system and can be viewed on the US Department of Education Campus Safety and Security website.

Emergency Preparedness

Public Safety has created an Emergency Readiness and Response Guide to provide comprehensive instructions and advance a participatory approach to readiness and response. Every member of our campus community plays a role in emergency readiness and response. Foremost is knowing what to do and where to go for guidance in the preparation of an emergency or critical incident.  All campus community members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guide.
IC Alert: Emergency Notification System (ENS)

Ithaca College uses an Emergency Notification System (ENS) to reach all students, faculty, and staff with an IC Alert that includes time-sensitive information during unforeseen events or emergencies. The system uses voice, e-mail, push notification and text messaging to allow Ithaca College officials to provide pertinent details and instruction on appropriate responses and action steps to take in the event of a critical incident that poses a significant threat to the health and safety of the community. Families, supporters, and visitors are encouraged to opt-in to receive IC Alerts by texting “ICVisitor” to 226787. Text messages are sent on an as-needed basis. On July 15th of each year, all opt-in users will be purged from the system, at which time you must re-enroll if you wish to continue receiving IC Alert text messages for the next year.

We encourage all students and employees to download the free Rave Guardian app which can help turn any smartphone into a personal safety device. Rave Guardian is an integral part of Ithaca College’s program to promote the well-being of the campus community. It provides quick access to important safety and wellness contacts, information, and resources. Features include but are not limited to, virtual safety timer for an extra layer of safety wherever you are, direct contact with Public Safety and other crisis support and emergency services, on-campus and off-campus support services such as Advocacy Center of Tompkins County and national hotlines and campus directory.

Parking Services

Parking Services is a division of Public Safety and is responsible for all matters pertaining to parking and vehicle registration, including issuing parking permits to students, staff, and visitors; enforcing parking rules and regulations on campus; and assisting with special events and other parking needs for visitors to campus. While most parking services are available online, including vehicle registration/parking permit purchases and citation payment, the Parking Services customer service counter remains open during College business hours to provide assistance to the campus community. For detailed information on parking and vehicle registration and rules, please visit the Parking Services website. After-hours parking emergencies should be directed to Public Safety at (607) 274-3333.

SHARE (Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education)

Ithaca College offers a multitude of prevention programs and initiatives specifically designed to maximize education, awareness, prevention, intervention, and community engagement to prevent sex-based harassment from occurring. With the expansion of federal guidelines on sexual assault, campus-wide efforts are ongoing to further expand and diversify existing programming and education in target areas such as:

  • domestic violence,
  • dating violence,
  • stalking,
  • victim’s rights,
  • victim advocacy,
  • bystander intervention,
  • medical care,
  • and counseling and confidentiality (such as crime reporting and resources both on and off campus).

For a comprehensive look at sexual harassment and sexual assault response and education (SHARE) visit the SHARE website.