Academic Catalog

Integrative Studies

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science

The Integrative Studies Program gives motivated students the opportunity to design their own cross-disciplinary major that falls outside the usual range of offerings. It is ideal for students who are focused on a professional goal that demands a creative academic path and/or who are interested in complex problems that are best answered from multiple disciplinary perspectives. In their final year, students are required to complete a senior project which are as diverse as the majors themselves. Majors may complete a community-based internship, an applied project, or a traditional academic research project in either an independent study or an upper-level course relevant to their plan of study. Students are required to register for the senior project by completing the appropriate Learning Contract and will present their final project as part of their Integrative Studies Capstone.

Students with a minimum 3.0 GPA can apply to the Integrative Studies Major after accruing 45 credits. Students must be admitted into the Integrative Studies major in time to register for and complete a minimum of three regular semesters of study in the major.

During the application process, students are expected to seek a faculty mentor with relevant professional and academic interests who can advise on the student’s educational goals, help select the courses in the student’s plan, and write a letter of support for the student’s proposed plan of study as part of the admission process.

Each semester, the Integrative Studies Advisory Committee reviews applications and recommends them for approval to the Dean. Relevant forms and other information can be found on the Integrative Studies Program webpage

Once the student is admitted to the major, any changes to the plan of study, including changes to credit hours, courses in the plan, or the plan title, must be reviewed by the faculty advisor and the Integrative Studies Coordinator, and approved by the Associate Dean, in advance.

INST 29900Independent Study: Integrative Studies1-4
INST 29910Independent Study: Integrative Studies Non-LA1-4
INST 30000Seminar in Integrative Studies1
INST 39700Internship:Integrative Studies1-6
INST 39900Independent Study: Integrative Studies1-4
INST 39910Independent Study: Integrative Studies Non-LA1-4
INST 40000Integrative Studies Capstone1
INST 49000Senior Project: Internship3-6
INST 49100Senior Project: Independent Study3-4
INST 49200Senior Project: Applied Independent Study3-4