Academic Catalog

Cinema and Photography (CNPH)

CNPH 10100 Introduction to Film Aesthetics and Analysis (LA)

A wide-ranging survey of international cinemas in narrative, documentary, and experimental modes. The course emphasizes the aesthetics, histories, social contexts, institutions, and economics of particular cinematic forms and movements. It focuses on building the skills required for close analytical readings of cinematic form, narrative and argumentative structures, and context as ways to understand how cinema generates meaning. (F)
Attributes: CA, DV, HM, HU
4 Credits

CNPH 11100 Cinema Production 1 (NLA)

In this intensive production experience, students learn the rudiments of creating a motion picture. Aspects of preproduction (idea conception, budgeting), production (camerawork, directing), and postproduction (sound and picture editing) are introduced as students create multiple works of cinema art. (F-S)
Attributes: CCCS, PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 14100 Introduction to Photography (LA)

Introduction to photographic processes and historical, conceptual, and aesthetic concerns. Fundamentals of the art, including camera handling, exposure, digital image control and correction, lighting, composition, and printing. (F,S)
Attributes: 3B, CA, CCCS, ESTS, MC, PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 20310 The Photograph in Exhibition (LA)

Addresses the issue of photographic exhibition -- touching on considerations of context, scale, and installation -- as it affects the experience and meaning of images. Students will attend a series of photographic exhibitions and will critically evaluate the content of each through written papers and oral presentations. Prerequisites: Open only to B.S. cinema and photography students in the still photography concentration. Corequisites: CNPH 24000. (S)
1 Credit

CNPH 20500 Photographic Currents (LA)

Introduces key concepts, historical frameworks and current debates in the study of contemporary photography. Readings, lectures and visits to exhibitions focus on particular genres, ideas and international practices within the contemporary media arts, specifically photography. Topics vary on faculty expertise and research interest. Only offered at the Ithaca College London, New York and Los Angeles centers. Sophomore standing. 3 credits. (IRR)
Attributes: SCE
3 Credits

CNPH 20700 European Cinema (LA)

Concentrates on post-Second World War European cinema up to the present day. Study of the themes and styles of the European art film, authorship, and the relation of audience to film criticism. This course is offered only through the Ithaca College London Center. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Ithaca College London program. (IRR)
Attributes: SCE
3 Credits

CNPH 21002-21012 Special Topics in Cinema Production (NLA)

Study of the cinema production process using significant works representative of important historic and contemporary ideas and movements. Screenings and readings guide discussions and analysis geared toward providing familiarity with a broad range of production models and connecting them to larger questions of culture production and artistic expression. Students in the B.S. cinema production concentration and B.F.A. degree in film, photography and visual arts may repeat the course once. Corequisite: CNPH 20300 Cinema in Exhibition for students in B.S. Cinema & Photography - Cinema Production concentrations only. Prerequisite: One course in the humanities or fine arts. (F-S)
4 Credits

CNPH 21400 Hollywood and American Film (LA)

The focus is on the historical, economic, and social formations in the evolution of a wide range of American cinemas, including Hollywood, independent work, documentary, experimental, and hybrid forms. A survey and analysis of films of representative American directors, styles, and genres will be conducted. (S)
Attributes: CA, HM, HU, TIDE, TWOS
4 Credits

CNPH 21700 Lighting for the Camera Lens (NLA)

This class will examine both a theoretical and practical approach to lighting for film and television. With an emphasis on single camera narrative, approaches to framing and different lighting situations (day interior, night exterior, etc) within multiple media formats will be discussed, plotted, and ultimately realized in both the studio and on location. Students will not only become adept at handling the varied lighting and grip equipment Ithaca college supplies, but they will also come away with a grounded approach to lighting and cinematography that will serve them well at all levels of film and television production. Prerequisites: CNPH 11100 or TVR 10100 or TVR 11500. (B,IRR)
Attributes: PROD
2 Credits

CNPH 22000 Cinematic Currents (NLA)

Study of the cinema production process using significant works representative of important historic and contemporary ideas and movements. Screenings and readings guide discussions and analysis geared toward providing familiarity with a broad range of production models and connecting them to larger questions of culture production and artistic expression. Students in the B.S. cinema production concentration and B.F.A. degree in film, photography and visual arts may repeat the course once. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or above. (F,S)
4 Credits

CNPH 22100 4K Workflow: Proxies to Color Grading (NLA)

In our ever shifting landscape, filmmakers must constantly learn to use and adapt to new technologies and platforms. This two credit course will introduce students to the concepts and approaches to getting the most from high resolution digital media. Whether it’s fixing an exposure mistake or applying a “look” to a project, understanding the post production process is now essential for every filmmaker. Working predominately with Davinci Resolve software and hardware, we will explore post-production: order of operations, project management, color theory, the use of video scopes, and the basics of grading footage utilizing the Resolve interface. Becoming comfortable with the proper workflow for 4K footage will prepare up and coming filmmakers for the challenges of the next inevitable technological innovation. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400 or TVR 29900 or TVR 21500. (B,IRR)
Attributes: PROD
2 Credits

CNPH 22400 Cinema Production 2 (NLA)

In this intermediate-level motion picture production course, students complete several works of cinema, continuing where Cinema Production I left off in both technical and artistic sophistication. Students will make significant progress in the areas of sound design, cinematography, directing, and editing. Prerequisites: CNPH 11100. (F-S)
Attributes: CCCS
4 Credits

CNPH 24000 History of Photography (LA)

Study of photography from its beginning to its emergence as an important means of communication and expression. Critical examination of the growth and relationship of the contribution of photography to the visual arts. The development of the medium is seen through the eyes of past and present scientists/artists who struggled to understand and perfect it. (S)
Attributes: HU, MAP
4 Credits

CNPH 24200 Advanced Digital Photography (NLA)

Rigorous immersion in advanced digital photographic techniques and aesthetic concerns. Further technical mastery of image making, including: digital acquisition; editing techniques; alternative editing programs, and tools such as retouching, color grading, and compositing. Coursework introduces alternative photographic approaches, including seamless manipulation of the image and collage aesthetic. Students are asked to employ the various techniques to solve a variety of conceptual and aesthetic problems in the medium. Prerequisites: CNPH 14100. (F-S)
Attributes: CCCS, PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 29200-29244 Minicourses in Cinema, Photography, and Media Arts (NLA)

A series of short courses in specialized areas of cinema, photography, and media arts that do not meet the College guidelines for liberal arts designation. Department faculty participate in their areas of expertise. Cannot repeat specific topics. Prerequisites: Vary depending on the topic; refer to Undergraduate Course Offerings each semester; sophomore standing. Pass/fail. (IRR)
1 Credit

CNPH 30000 Fiction Film Theory (LA)

This course engages classical and contemporary film theory and takes a detailed, critical look at the major theoretical methodologies employed in the study of fiction film. Through lectures, readings, screenings, and written assignments, we will analyze and apply a variety of critical methods and examine a range of filmic issues. Prerequisites: CNPH 10100; at least two level-2 liberal arts courses, and WRTG 10600 or equivalent. (F)
Attributes: RSEA, SCE, WI
4 Credits

CNPH 30100 History and Theory of Documentary (LA)

Investigation of the social, historical, cultural, and aesthetic implications of nonfiction film through historical overview of various films. This course uses social theory, economic theory, ethnography, historiography, and documentary theory to explore the intersection of historical contexts and film movements. Prerequisites: CNPH 10100 or TVR 12200; at least two level-2 liberal arts courses, and WRTG 10600 or equivalent. (S)
Attributes: HU, RSEA, SCE, WI
4 Credits

CNPH 30200-30205 Selected Topics in Cinema and Photography (LA)

Intensive exploration and analysis of a specific area of film study, allowing students to concentrate their study in an upper-level course. Depending on faculty research interests and student demand, this course may cover genres, periods, directors, and other cinematic conceptual frameworks. Prerequisites: CNPH 21400 or level-2 course with an HU designation; permission of instructor. (IRR)
Attributes: SCE
3 Credits

CNPH 30400-30418 Selected Topics in Photography (NLA)

Exploration and analysis of a specific area of photography. Topics vary based on student demand and on faculty expertise and research interest. Prerequisites: CNPH 14100. (IRR)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 30500 Contemporary Film Criticism (LA)

Analysis and evaluation of contemporary films and criticism. Students trace current feature films to their artistic and cinematic roots and assess the value of the new offerings. At the same time, they evaluate national criticism (not reviews) of the new offerings. (IRR)
Attributes: SCE
3 Credits

CNPH 31000 British Comedy: Film, Television, and Radio (LA)

Exploration of the development of the cultural characteristics of British Comedy programming for cinema, television, and radio. This class traces the evolution of comedic forms, and surveys contemporary genres--sketch, broken, sitcom, satire, stand-up, improv, the impressionists, and "sit-trag." Only offered in London. Prerequisites: three courses in humanities (HU) and/or social sciences (SS), junior standing and acceptance into the Ithaca College London Program. (Y)
Attributes: SCE
3 Credits

CNPH 31400 Advanced Cinema Production: Directing (NLA)

Directing for film requires the mastery of a broad and seemingly incompatible set of skills. A director must think and feel with their intuitive senses while at the same time contending with the complex logistical difficulties of a film shoot. A director must be true to his or her instincts and provide a unifying vision to their work while allowing a diverse crew of artists (actors, cinematographers, and designers) the freedom to excel in their respective crafts. The ultimate objective is to lead everyone involved toward the creation of a film whose elements all work together as a unified whole. The purpose of this course is to examine all aspects of the director’s craft through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on work with actors and camera. Topics covered will include script analysis, casting, rehearsing with actors, staging, shot design, and on-location production. Each student will cast, rehearse, block and shoot two scenes from a published feature-length script. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400 or TVR 21500. (Y)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 31500 Advanced Cinema Production: Cinematography (NLA)

This course is designed to give students practical experience with the technical properties of lenses, filters, lighting, acquisition format, and best practices for media management and project workflow. The course covers a range of the key components of effective cinematography from conceptual intent to aesthetic application through hands on experience. Throughout this course you will have to come to grips with a fairly technical understanding of cinematography. Whether you end up working in film or video, these skills will be useful to you in the future. Emphasis is given to individual application of technical skills and aesthetic abilities of cinematography to develop your “creative eye.” The student should leave this class conversant with the some of the advanced tenets of cinematography and with three completed projects on 16mm film and/or HD video. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400 or TVR 21500. (Y)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 31600 Advanced Cinema Production: Aesthetics of Sound Editing (NLA)

This course will prepare students to approach their films with a full understanding of the sound editing process: from dialogue editing, sound effects, and ADR to Foleys and music editing. All the elements of the soundtrack play an important and irreplaceable role in a film. By examining the soundtracks of professional films and by creating a soundtrack to provided images, the students will explore the meaning of sound, its place in the story, and its subliminal influence on the audience in their understanding of a film. Upon completion of this course, students will not only understand the role of sound in film, but also be able to create an aural environment in a professional manner, in professional settings. They will attain solid skills in use of Pro-Tools sound editing software, be able to judge the technical needs of the production sound track, find solutions to problems created during the shoot, program ADR and Foleys, edit dialogue and sound design the abstract environment if appropriate for the film. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400 or TVR 21500 or TVR 10500. (Y)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 31700 Advanced Cinema Production: Picture Editing (NLA)

How does the editing of images and sound reveal the complexity of an experience? Through editing we will learn to manipulate time, space, sound and emotions to create a subjective experience we can share with the viewers. In this course you will work to develop skills in the craft of editing. This is a hands-on course, emphasizing non-linear editing using Premiere Pro CC. In addition to the technical aspects of editing, we will study the art and theory of the craft through screenings of a variety of works. We will explore various conventions and expressions in narrative, documentary and experimental forms. Over the course of the semester, you will begin to define your role as an editor, understand editing as a potential profession, and discover how it enriches your overall process as a storyteller. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400 or TVR 21500. (Y)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 31800 Advanced Cinema Production: Developing the Short Film (NLA)

This course will explore the numerous approaches filmmakers can take when developing an original idea for eventual production. An optional precursor to Thesis Cinema Production allowing students the opportunity to develop an idea, rigorously workshop written drafts, and prep extensively for shooting in a subsequent semester. Starting from a rough concept, students will build fully developed characters, incorporate drama and structure into their screenplays, explore funding mechanisms, and create looks, lighting plots, blocking diagrams, and more. Students will leave the course with a thesis project, narrative or documentary, fully prepped and ready to shoot. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400 or TVR 21500. (F,S)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 31900 Advanced Cinema Production: Independent Film Financing (NLA)

So, you’re ready to make your movie. Now you need to fundraise to make it happen. Where to start? In this course we will cover the array of pathways a filmmaker can take to finance an independent film, whether it’s a narrative, documentary or experimental film—of any length. This course will cover various new platforms to source your budget, the current landscapes of buyers, private equity financing, hybrid financing, crowd funding, pre-sales, co-productions, grants and foundation support. Working either individually or in groups, students will learn how to craft compelling, well-written documentary grant proposals, as well as write full pitch package materials for narrative film projects. In addition to in-class workshops, we will review case studies with guest film producers, directors and entertainment attorneys, including Academy Award-winning and Emmy-nominated filmmakers who will share their stories of film financing documentaries, feature films, and other moving-image media projects. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400 or TVR 21500. (Y)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 32100 Advanced Cinema Production: Fiction (NLA)

This intensive, advanced-level course examines cinema as a form of storytelling. Students produce their own cinema projects and critical papers to familiarize themselves with techniques of aesthetics specific to narrative cinemas. A final project of the student's design and participation in a culminating public exhibition of work from the class are required. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400. (F-S)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 32200 Advanced Cinema Production: Nonfiction (NLA)

This intensive, advanced-level course examines the relationship between the theory and practice of cinematic documentary. Students produce short cinema projects and critical papers to familiarize themselves with techniques and aesthetics specific to documentary modes of cinema. A final project of the student's design and participation in a culminating public exhibition of work from the class are required. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400 or TVR 29900; open only to students in the B.S. cinema and photography, B.F.A film, photography, and visual arts, or B.A. documentary studies and production programs. (S)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 32300 Advanced Cinema Production: Experimental (NLA)

This intensive, advanced-level course examines cinema as a visual art form akin to painting, photography, and sculpture. Readings, lectures, and screenings are used to develop a basic context for relevant critical, historical, and theoretical issues, with emphasis placed on the various formal, conceptual, structural, and post-structural ideas that characterize 20th-century modern and contemporary art. Students produce their own cinema projects and critical papers to familiarize themselves with these ideas and practices. A final project and participation in a culminating public exhibition of work from the class are required. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400. (F,S)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 32400 Advanced Cinema Production: Animation (NLA)

Builds on animation fundamentals while giving students an opportunity to develop and create more ambitious animated projects. In the context of these projects, we will continue to discuss industry production methods, watch contemporary animators' work and examine the role changing technology plays in production. Prerequisite: MASS 20100. (Y)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 32500 Advanced Cinema Production: Sound Art (NLA)

This advanced level course will introduce students to creative methodologies used in both historical and contemporary Sound Art practice, exploring the potential of sonic art and its relevance in contemporary media art. Lectures, listening sessions, screenings and readings will help contextualize the technical practices under review as well as theoretical and critical issues surrounding sound as an emerging media art form. Prerequisite: CNPH 22400, TVR 21500, or TVR 10500. (Y)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 33001 Special Topics in Advanced Cinema Production (NLA)

Exploration of a specific area of cinema production, designed to enhance and enrich the traditional production curriculum and provide significant professional training for an ever-changing discipline. Subjects will likely include, but are not limited to: cinematography, sound design, advanced editing, alternative special effects, and directing for the screen. Topics will vary to reflect current and future trends in cinema production, as well as student demand and faculty expertise. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400. (Y)
4 Credits

CNPH 33002 ST: Adv. Cinema Production (NLA)

Exploration of a specific area of cinema production, designed to enhance and enrich the traditional production curriculum and provide significant professional training for an ever-changing discipline. Subjects will likely include, but are not limited to: cinematography, sound design, advanced editing, alternative special effects, and directing for the screen. Topics will vary to reflect current and future trends in cinema production, as well as student demand and faculty expertise. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400. (Y)
4 Credits

CNPH 33003-33009 Special Topics in Advanced Cinema Production (NLA)

Exploration of a specific area of cinema production, designed to enhance and enrich the traditional production curriculum and provide significant professional training for an ever-changing discipline. Subjects will likely include, but are not limited to: cinematography, sound design, advanced editing, alternative special effects, and directing for the screen. Topics will vary to reflect current and future trends in cinema production, as well as student demand and faculty expertise. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400. (Y)
4 Credits

CNPH 33010 ST: Adv. Cinema Production (NLA)

Exploration of a specific area of cinema production, designed to enhance and enrich the traditional production curriculum and provide significant professional training for an ever-changing discipline. Subjects will likely include, but are not limited to: cinematography, sound design, advanced editing, alternative special effects, and directing for the screen. Topics will vary to reflect current and future trends in cinema production, as well as student demand and faculty expertise. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400. (Y)
4 Credits

CNPH 33011 Special Topics in Advanced Cinema Production (NLA)

Exploration of a specific area of cinema production, designed to enhance and enrich the traditional production curriculum and provide significant professional training for an ever-changing discipline. Subjects will likely include, but are not limited to: cinematography, sound design, advanced editing, alternative special effects, and directing for the screen. Topics will vary to reflect current and future trends in cinema production, as well as student demand and faculty expertise. Prerequisites: CNPH 22400. (Y)
4 Credits

CNPH 34200 Contemporary Photographic Genres (LA)

Through lectures, discussions, and production of photographic works, the student explores a range of key genres current in the field. Class locates contemporary photographic practices within a lineage of art historical, philosophical, and creative conversations from modernism, through postmodernism, to the current cultural moment. Photographic theories, criticism, classification, and aesthetics are explored and brought to bear on the student’s photographic work. Prerequisites: Junior standing, CNPH 24000 and CNPH 24200. (F)
4 Credits

CNPH 42000 Thesis Cinema Production (NLA)

Individual experience preparatory to graduate study and careers in cinema production. This course is designed to bring together ideas, processes, practices, and theories in the service of the production of a substantial work of cinema. Students will pursue an entire project from conception to completion, combining intensive preproduction, production, and post-production with in-depth instruction on lab work, distribution, and exhibition. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on instructor, peer, and self-critique. In addition to completion of the final production, students are expected to generate an essay that situates their work within the history of the medium and contextualizes its relationship to current intellectual and creative debates. Prerequisites: MASS 13400 or JOUR 11100 and CNPH 32100 or CNPH 32200, CNPH 32300, CNPH 32400, CNPH 32500, or CNPH 33001-33099. (F,S)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 44300 Photo Workshop (NLA)

Prepares students for graduate study and careers in photography. Designed to fit the individual student's background and interests. May include research projects or advanced photography. Course participants are expected to complete an artist's essay that situates their work within the history of the medium and contextualizes its relationship to current intellectual and creative debates. Prerequisites: CNPH 14100; CNPH 24200 or 1 course from CNPH 30400-30499. (F-S)
Attributes: PROD, UND
4 Credits

CNPH 45000 Cinema Production Practicum (NLA)

Capstone-level motion picture production course in which students undertake the primary creative and professional roles in a significant project under the direct supervision of a faculty specialist. The nature of the project will vary with each offering. Prerequisites: CNPH 11100; CNPH 22400; CNPH 32100, CNPH 32200, CNPH 32300, or CNPH 32400; senior standing; faculty permission. (IRR)
Attributes: PROD
4 Credits

CNPH 49000 Internship: Cinema and Photography (NLA)

Jointly supervised work experience with a cooperating institution in the field of cinema or photography, intended to motivate the intern toward professional growth through observation and participation, to provide opportunities to meet active professionals, and to stimulate career planning. Skills and academic knowledge will be put into practice. May be repeated. Prerequisites: Junior cinema and photography or film, photography, and visual arts major or minor; completion of the Park School internship procedures. Total may not exceed 12 credits, including London and Los Angeles internships. (F,S,U,W)
1-8 Credits

CNPH 49800 London Communications Internship (NLA)

A limited number of internships with cooperating institutions or organizations are available to communications majors. The jointly supervised work experience offers the opportunity to learn through observation and participation in a professional setting. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing; completion of Park School internship procedures; approval of the dean in the semester preceding the London registration. Pass/fail only. (F-S) See "London Center."
3-6 Credits

CNPH 49900 Independent Study: Cinema and Photography (LA)

Intensive study of one of the following problems under the supervision of a faculty adviser: program evaluation, scriptwriting, production, programming, film and cinema studies, contemporary issues in communications. Comprehensive research paper and/or project is required. Prerequisites: Junior cinema and photography or film, photography, and visual arts major. (F-S)
1-4 Credits