Academic Catalog

Sport Management (SMGT)

SMGT 11000 Introduction to Sport Management (NLA)

Investigation of the scope of the sport industry and introduction into the field of sport management. Emphasis on basic management skills necessary to operate sport organizations and introduction to career opportunities in the sport management field. Exploration of policy elements, missions, structure, and function of sport governing bodies including college sport, pro sport, and Olympic sport. (F-S,Y)
4 Credits

SMGT 21000 International Sport Administration (LA)

An analysis of sport in an international context; uses sport as a way to examine the impact of colonization and the influence of western culture on the global community. The economics, history, and culture of each region are explored to understand how sport impacts individuals and societies around the globe. Problems/issues faced by international sport managers are introduced by discussing international sport case studies. Prerequisites: 1 class in SMGT, MGMT, MKTG, BINT, ACCT, FINA, SPME. (IRR,U,W)
Attributes: DV, LAGC, SO, TIDE
3 Credits

SMGT 21100 International Sport (LA)

An analysis of sport in an international context; uses sport as a way to examine the impact of colonization and the influence of western culture on the global community. The economics, history, and culture of each region are explored to understand how sport impacts individuals and societies around the globe. Problems/issues faced by international sport managers are introduced by discussing international sport case studies. Prerequisites: One course in ACCT, BINT, FINA, MGMT, MKTG, SMGT, SPME. (IRR)
2 Credits

SMGT 21500 College Sport (LA)

Explores the historical development, existing structure, various challenges, and current debates surrounding college athletics in the US. Special emphasis on current issues affecting college athletics. Prerequisites: 1 class in Business or Sport Media (ACCT, BINT, FINA, MGMT, MKTG, SMGT, SPME). (IRR)
2 Credits

SMGT 22000 Current Issues in Professional Sport (LA)

Exploration of the various elements of the professional sports industry. Students will examine aspects that span the entire industry, as well as study the development and current challenges of the most signification and relevant leagues. Special emphasis is given to social and culture impact of professional sport on athletes, fans, families, communities and society. Prerequisites: One class in ACCT, BINT, FINA, MGMT, MKTG, SMGT, SPME. (IRR)
Attributes: SO, TPJ, TWOS
3 Credits

SMGT 22100 Professional Sport (LA)

Explores various elements of the professional sport industry. An examination of aspects that span the entire segment of professional sport, as well as current challenges in the most significant and relevant leagues. Prerequisites: 1 class in Business or Sport Media (ACCT, BINT, FINA, MGMT, MKTG, SMGT, SPME). (IRR)
2 Credits

SMGT 22500 Sport Economics (LA)

An application of economic principles to a wide range of issues within the realm of professional and amateur sport including the analysis of labor markets in sport and the organization of sports organizations. Fields of study include game theory, labor economics, public finance, industrial organization, and the economics of information. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000 and ECON 12000. (IRR)
2 Credits

SMGT 23000 The Business of Sport Agency (NLA)

Investigation into the area of sport agency, including NCAA eligibility rules, FIBA agent procedures, and legal principles. Students will get a first-hand experience dealing with everyday negotiations that sport agents deal with throughout the realm of sport through mock negotiations as well as in-depth case studies. Prerequisites: 1 class in Business or Sport Media (ACCT, BINT, FINA, MGMT, MKTG, SPME, SMGT). (IRR)
2 Credits

SMGT 25000 Sport Brands in Crisis (LA)

From off-field athlete misconduct to international mega-event bidding scandals, leaders in the rapidly changing sport industry constantly need to adapt and respond. Topics will include current business, legal, ethical, marketing and culture crises in sport. Particular emphasis is placed on solutions and strategies for the sport management and marketing professionals. Prerequisites: 1 class in ACCT, BINT, FINA, MGMT, MKTG, SMGT, SPME. (IRR)
2 Credits

SMGT 26500 Policy and Governance in Sport Organization (NLA)

Analysis of governance structures and operational activities of professional team-sport leagues, intercollegiate athletics, the Olympic movement, and international sports association. An examination of policy development in various areas of the sport enterprise. Case studies of current sport issues and problems are utilized. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000. (F-S, Y)
3 Credits

SMGT 28000 Practicum in Sport Management (NLA)

Supervised work experience in amateur or professional sport agencies and community sport organizations. Student assumes a leadership role in various job-related activities and performs administrative tasks in support of such activities under an experienced agency supervisor and faculty sponsor. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000. (F,S,U,W)
1-4 Credits

SMGT 30300 Sport Law (NLA)

In-depth analysis of the legal issues facing the management of the sports industry, including how law is applied to amateur and professional sports organizations. Topics include intentional torts and negligence; gender equity, and other forms of discrimination; risk management; selected current legal issues impacting sport organizations. Emphasis is on management perspectives. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000. (F,S,IRR)
4 Credits

SMGT 31000 Labor Relations in Sport (NLA)

Examination of the development, history, and legal aspects of the labor movement in sport. Discussion of collective bargaining process in sport and the impact that court cases, antitrust law, and arbitration decisions have had on professional sports. Analysis of resolutions to specific labor problems through simulated negotiations. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000 or SMGT 20700; junior standing. (F or S,Y)
3 Credits

SMGT 32600 Sport Marketing (LA)

Examination of the concepts and principles of marketing and promotion as applied to the unique aspects of the sport industry. Analysis of the relationship between sport marketing and public relations strategies that are employed by the sport manager. Included are practical marketing/promotional strategies and activities that can be applied in real-life sport organizations to enhance the revenue generation efforts of the organization. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000; MKTG 31200; WRTG 10600, ICSM 10800, ICSM 11800, or equivalent. (F,S)
Attributes: WI
4 Credits

SMGT 33500 Sport Event and Facility Management (NLA)

Develops the competencies necessary to plan, manage and operate sport, recreation, fitness, and public assembly facilities. Facility topics include: scheduling, risk management, purchasing, design and funding of new facilities, sustainability, economic feasibility, revenue sources. In addition, the conceptual and technical aspects related to the development, operation, and marketing of sport-related events will be addressed in depth to include planning and implementing actual events. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000. (Y)
4 Credits

SMGT 36500 Sport Economics (LA)

Application of economic theory to the markets of professional and amateur sports. This course applies economic principles to analyze a wide range of issues within the realm of professional sports and intercollegiate athletics. Included are the analysis of labor markets and labor relations, public finance of sports facilities, and the organization of sports institutions. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000; ECON 12100; ECON 12200; junior standing. (F,Y)
3 Credits

SMGT 38000 Applied Sport Event Management: Super Bowl (NLA)

Experiential sport event management class involving the application of principles, best practices and prevailing theories of sport event management. Students will be directly involved in the operation of the NFL Super Bowl. Students must have instructor approval and will be required to work on site for a minimum of 5 days. Instructor approval is required. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000. (S)
2 Credits

SMGT 38100 Applied Sport Event Management: NCAA Championship (NLA)

An experiential sport event management class involving the application of principles, best practices, and prevailing theories of sport event management. Students will be directly involved in the operation of an NCAA Division I Championship. Students must have instructor approval and will be required to work on site for a minimum of 5 days. Instructor approval is required. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000. (IRR)
2 Credits

SMGT 38500 Sport Sales and Sponsorship (NLA)

Intensive analysis of consumer habits and trends, linked with strategies to develop, activate, and manage sport sponsorships and related sales promotions. Students build on previous knowledge of marketing to apply sales techniques to maximize revenue generation. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000; SMGT 32600. (Y)
4 Credits

SMGT 39000 Digital Marketing in Sport (NLA)

Designed to develop a student's understanding of how to manage a cross-section of digital channels to market in the sport industry, topics include the utilization of the websites, eCommerce, social, and mobile platforms in sport marketing. The importance of data analysis in digital marketing, the development of a sport organization's multi-dimensional digital presence, and the interactivity of the branded experience are analyzed. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000; MKTG 31200; SMGT 32600. (IRR)
2 Credits

SMGT 39500 Sponsorship and Promotions in Sport (NLA)

This course focuses on the process of developing, activating, and managing sport sponsorships and related sales promotions. Students will investigate, analyze and apply various strategies to attract and design sponsorship and promotional plans for sport organizations. Evaluation of sponsorship fulfillment, use of e-commerce promotional tools, risk management in promotions delivery, and revenue generation through the sale of sport merchandise, licensing and broadcasting rights will be addressed.
3 Credits

SMGT 41000 Contemporary Issues in Sport Management (LA)

Analysis of current issues across the sport industry and an in-depth look at how sport serves power centers in society, and contributes/challenges race, class, age, sexuality, disability, and gender logic in US culture. Integrates aspects of sport economics, marketing, law, sociology, leadership, and ethics to provide context for future leaders of sport organizations. Additional focus on exploring practical diversity solutions as well as the implications of ethical managerial decision-making. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000; SMGT 30300. (IRR)
Attributes: CP, DV
4 Credits

SMGT 41500 Strategic Management in Sport (NLA)

Integrates the various disciplines studied in sports management to develop strategic management plans. Examines strategic positions taken by leaders of actual sport organizations. Provides students opportunities to develop managerial decision-making and leadership skills. Prerequisites: SMGT 11000; SMGT 31500; SMGT 32600; senior standing; sport management concentration. (F,S,Y)
Attributes: CP
3 Credits

SMGT 49800 Internship with Academic Enhancement: Sport Management (NLA)

Supervised work experience in amateur or professional sport agencies and community sport organizations. Student assumes a leadership role in various job-related activities and performs administrative tasks in support of such activities under an experienced agency supervisor and faculty sponsor. Prerequisites: Junior standing; completion of appropriate principles course; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.70; Business-Link Professions Workshops 1,2,3; completion of School of Business internship application; and permission of instructor. Pass/Fail only. (F,S,Sum, W)
1-6 Credits