Academic Catalog

Communication Studies (CMST)

CMST 11000 Public Communication (LA)

Exposure to a variety of speaking situations as a means to more comfortable, effective communication. Brief unit on language followed by exercises in various kinds of influential speaking. Emphasis is placed on the ethical responsibilities of the speaker and on the need for a critical posture by both speaker and listener. (F,S,Y)
Attributes: 3A, CCCS, ESTS, HU
3 Credits

CMST 11500 Business and Professional Communication (LA)

Study of public communication skills used in business and professional settings; emphasis is placed on presentational speaking and motive analysis; opportunity for individualized skill development provided. (F,S,Y)
Attributes: CCCS, ESTS, HU
3 Credits

CMST 12000 Communication, Culture, and Rhetoric (LA)

Introduction to fundamentals of rhetorical theory and rhetorical approaches to the study of communication. Emphasis is placed on the discovery and critical analysis of the rhetorical impulse in a variety of forms of persuasion. Includes a basic survey of rhetorical forms such as speeches, essays, advertising, films, and television. (F,Y)
Attributes: HM, HU, LMSP, LSCO, TIDE
3 Credits

CMST 12400 Courtrooms and Communication (LA)

An investigation of trials and legal advocacy as communication phenomena. The course includes observations of live criminal trials and participation in mock trials. (F,Y)
Attributes: 1, HU
3 Credits

CMST 14000 Small Group Communication (LA)

Examination of the dynamics of small group communication with a focus on problem-solving groups. Topics include leadership, cohesiveness, norms, roles, conflict, problem-solving techniques, conformity and deviance, networks, and listening skills. (F,S,Y)
Attributes: 1, SO, SS, TIDE, TWOS
3 Credits

CMST 14900 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication (LA)

Introduction to basic principles of interpersonal communication. Presents a theoretical perspective integrated with activities in and out of the classroom. Topics include interpersonal perception, language, nonverbal communication, self-concept, social roles, conflict management, and dynamics of intimacy. (F,S,Y)
Attributes: 1, SO, SS, TMBS
3 Credits

CMST 21500 Argumentation and Debate (LA)

Study of the philosophy of argument and logic in persuasion, debate forms, construction of the debate case, and responsibility for reasoned discourse in a society. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing. (F,Y)
Attributes: CCCS, HU, LMEL, LSCO
3 Credits

CMST 21900 Communication Studies Practicum (NLA)

Practical experience in speech on campus, at the intercollegiate level, and in the community at large; debate and legislative assemblies; discussion, oratory, impromptu, and extemporaneous speaking; oral interpretation and readers' theater. The instructor will designate the minimum activities required to receive credit. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits. Pass/fail only. Permission of instructor. (F,S,Y)
Attributes: UND
1 Credit

CMST 22600 Health Communication (LA)

Introduction to the field of health communication, including origins and development. Presents theories of health behavior and communication and how they relate to one another in practice. Examines communication between health professionals and clients, and the roles media play in the health care industry and the delivery of health services. Cross-listed with HLTH 22600. Students may not receive credit for both HLTH 22600 and CMST 22600. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or above. (F,Y)
Attributes: SS
3 Credits

CMST 39500 Internship: Communication Studies

1-12 Credits

CMST 39700 Directed Readings (LA)

Study of an extensive selection of literature, compiled by an instructor, on a topic of special interest. This literature should further student development within a relevant topic area that is not otherwise covered in an available course. Offered on demand only. Prerequisites: 9 credits in communication studies; junior standing; approval of the communication studies faculty.
Attributes: HU, SS
1-4 Credits

CMST 42902-42910 Seminar in Public Communication (LA)

In-depth study of a specific topic in public communication, such as the speaking of a particular person (Nixon) or type of person (president), communication strategies of a movement (women’s) or kind of rhetoric (famous pleas). Prerequisites: Senior standing or equivalent in communication studies. (IRR)
Attributes: HU
3 Credits

CMST 49500 Internship: Communication Studies (NLA)

Work-study project designed by the student in consultation with a sponsoring faculty member and a cooperating practicing professional. The proposal must define the work to be done, the theories to be explored, and the student's plan for submitting a written report based on his or her experience. Offered on demand only. No more than 6 credits may be used toward the major. Prerequisites: Communication studies major, with a cumulative GPA of 2.30 and 3.00 in the major; permission of communication studies faculty. Variable credit, up to 12 credits.
Attributes: UND
1-12 Credits

CMST 49800 Directed Research (LA)

Research project arranged at student request with an individual instructor in communication studies. Offered on demand only. No more than 3 credits may be used toward the major. Prerequisites: Communication studies major or minor, with a cumulative GPA of 2.30 and 3.00 in the major; junior standing; permission of communication studies faculty.
Attributes: UND
1-4 Credits

CMST 49900 Independent Study: Communication Studies (LA)

Special reading and research under the supervision of the department. Must not duplicate standard coursework. Application must be made to the communication studies faculty before preregistration for the semester in which the study is to be undertaken. Offered on demand only. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits. Prerequisites: Cumulative GPA of 2.30 and 3.00 in major; junior or senior standing; permission of communication studies faculty.
Attributes: UND
1-4 Credits