Academic Catalog

Music Performance Studies (MUPS)

MUPS 12000 The Singing Performer I: Body Awareness (NLA)

Develop body awareness through guided practice. Explore various techniques to emphasize physical presence and connection between body and space. Work primarily takes place during class time. (F,Y)
1 Credit

MUPS 12200 The Singing Performer II: Voice and Body Connection (NLA)

Develop body awareness through guided practice. Employ various techniques to emphasize physical and vocal presence, and connection between body, voice, and space. Work primarily takes place during class time. Prerequisites: MUPS 12000. (S,Y)
1 Credit

MUPS 13000 Wind/Brass/Percussion Excerpts and Reading (NLA)

An integral class to BM Performance degree in wind/brass/percussion. Students meet regularly in wind/brass/percussion section to rehearse repertoire with a faculty coach. Weekly preparation of individual parts is required for the students in pursuit of improving section-playing and ensemble skills while building knowledge of repertoire. (F,S)
0.5 Credit

MUPS 14000 Selected Topics: Woodwind Forum (NLA)

Engage in an in-depth discussion and analysis of selected topics for woodwind instruments. Primary focus will be on pedagogy and literature, but other topics will be covered as are pertinent to the various woodwind instruments. Topics will rotate to cover the broadest and most current range of materials. (IRR)
1-2 Credits

MUPS 14100-14103 Selected Topics: Brass Forum (NLA)

Engage in an in-depth discussion and analysis of selected topics for brass instruments. Primary focus will be on pedagogy and literature, but other topics will be covered as are pertinent to the various brass instruments. Topics will rotate to cover the broadest and most current range of materials. (IRR)
1-2 Credits

MUPS 14200 Selected Topics: String Forum (NLA)

Engage in an in-depth discussion and analysis of selected topics for string instruments. Primary focus will be on pedagogy and literature, but other topics will be covered as are pertinent to the various string instruments. Topics will rotate to cover the broadest and most current range of materials. (IRR)
1-2 Credits

MUPS 14300 Selected Topics: Vocal Forum (NLA)

Engage in an in-depth discussion and analysis of selected topics for the voice. Topics will rotate to cover the broadest and most current range of materials. (IRR)
1-2 Credits

MUPS 15000 Reed Making Lab (NLA)

This lab for double reed students complements private instruction and develops proficiency and consistency in reed construction, finishing, and adjusting. The course examines the botanical, physiological, and mechanical contributions to reed making and formulates a personalized reed model consistent with each individual's needs. (F,S)
0.5-1 Credits

MUPS 17100 Performance Diction I: IPA and English Lyric Diction (NLA)

This class examines the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). This will be applied to the singing pronunciation of English and then expanded to include resources for beginning comprehension and pronunciation of other languages. Through written exercises, lecture, listening lab, poetic recitation, repetition, and in-class coaching and performance, students will learn the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), develop their ability to identify the component sounds of English, and to enunciate and express them with clarity and physical ease. They will also learn how to effectively use English diction for expressive purposes. Corequisites: PFMJ 10100. (F)
1 Credit

MUPS 17200 Performance Diction II: Italian and Spanish Lyric Diction (NLA)

This class examines the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as applied to the singing pronunciation of Italian and Spanish. Through written exercises, lecture, listening lab, poetic recitation, repetition, and in-class coaching and performance of recitative, arias and songs, students will continue to learn the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), develop their ability to identify the component sounds of Italian and Spanish, and to enunciate and express them with clarity and physical ease. Prerequisites: MUPS 17100 or MUPS 16300. (S)
1 Credit

MUPS 17300 Performance Diction III: German Lyric Diction (NLA)

This class examines the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as applied to the singing pronunciation of German. Through written exercises, lecture, listening lab, poetic recitation, repetition, and in-class coaching and performance, students will continue to learn the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), develop their ability to identify the component sounds of German, and to enunciate and express them with clarity and physical ease. Prerequisites: MUPS 17100 or MUPS 16100 or MUPS 16300. (F)
1 Credit

MUPS 17400 Performance Diction IV: French Lyric Diction (NLA)

This class examines the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as applied to the singing pronunciation of French. Through written exercises, lecture, listening lab, poetic recitation, repetition, and in-class coaching and performance, students will continue to learn the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), develop their ability to identify the component sounds of French, and to enunciate and express them with clarity and physical ease. Prerequisites: MUPS 17100, MUPS 16100, or MUPS 16300. (S)
1 Credit

MUPS 20000 Basic Piano Pedagogy (NLA)

The art and science of piano pedagogy is explored through an overview of the basic components of professional piano teaching. The emphasis is on teaching beginners focusing on principles of one-on-one instruction. A review of mainstream methods and materials focuses on technique and the early development of musicianship through piano study. Career opportunities as an independent studio teacher are explored through learning the strategies and standards for developing an independent studio business. Prerequisites: PFMJ 10300. (E,F)
1 Credit

MUPS 21000 Group Piano Pedagogy (NLA)

Explore the history, rationale, and logistical considerations of teaching group piano in a college setting or as part of an independent studio. Experience teaching piano in a group environment through active participation in peer teaching and guided observations. Discover how cooperative learning theory and creative curriculum development can motivate your students. Groups of all ages including small children, teens (in the public-school environment), college-aged music majors and non-majors, and senior adults are part of the practical teaching experiences. Prerequisites: PFMJ 10300. (F,O)
1 Credit

MUPS 22000 The Singing Performer III: Interpretation and Integration (NLA)

An interdisciplinary course designed to further develop body awareness and theatrical acting skills for singers. Emphasis on acting techniques and styles of movement. Culminates in a performance of a song or aria, using acting styles and movement techniques to create a fully formed, identifiable stage persona. Prerequisites: PFMJ 10100. (Y)
2 Credits

MUPS 23000 Percussion Pedagogy (NLA)

Engage students in discussion, analysis and the practice of teaching percussion in a studio setting. Explore planning for master classes/lessons, pedagogical literature, structuring curriculum, setting up a home studio, teaching methods, and experience sample lessons. Serves as preparation for students who wish to teach outside of/in addition to public-school teaching. (IRR)
1 Credit

MUPS 24000 Guitar Forum (NLA)

Engage in an in-depth study of selected topics such as foundations of guitar pedagogy, transcriptions and arrangements, Latin American sources for guitar music, and 18th c. performance practice. (IRR)
1-2 Credits

MUPS 25000 Conducting I (NLA)

A conducting course designed to introduce the basic skills required of a conductor. Topics covered will include gesture and baton technique, score reading and study, non-verbal and verbal communication, and critical listening skills. One of the secondary, but essential, goals of this course is comprehensive musicianship and ensemble skills. Understanding conducting and score study cultivates a musical awareness that enhances analytical, interpretative, and performance skills. (F,S)
2 Credits

MUPS 25500 Basics of Vocal Mechanics (NLA)

Explore the functions and human anatomy involved in using the voice: body alignment, breathing, phonation, resonance, and articulation. Students engage in classroom activities and demonstrations that provide visual, aural and kinesthetic illustrations that enhance their working understanding of the vocal instrument. Additionally, this course serves to educate students on vocal health, wellness and hygiene. Appropriate for vocalists, instrumentalists, actors, and other students pursuing professions that require an understanding of the mechanics of the singing instrument. (B,F,S)
1 Credit

MUPS 27300 Music Recital (NLA)

A solo or shared public recital. Full recitals (approximately one hour in length) are normally 1 or 2 credits. Shared or shorter programs are normally .5 - 1 cr. (F,S)
0.5-2 Credits

MUPS 27700 Introduction to the Organ (NLA)

Basic instruction in playing the organ, with an overview of organ history and construction. Covers the basics of legato, including substitution and thumb glissando, as well as pedal playing. Weekly meetings in a seminar setting include lecture, written, and keyboard components. Prerequisites: PFSM 17600. (F,S)
1 Credit

MUPS 27900 Introduction to the Harpsichord (NLA)

Basic instruction in playing the harpsichord, as well as insight into playing continuo, with an overview of harpsichord history, literature, and construction, and the basics of figured bass realization and figured bass in the context of continuo accompaniment. Adaptation of realized continuo parts into more usable accompaniments is emphasized. Prerequisites: PFSM 17600. (F,S)
1 Credit

MUPS 31000 Conducting II (NLA)

An intermediate conducting course consisting of review, refinement, and progression of foundational skills studied in MUPS 25000. Emphasis will be placed on the development of skills within the following categories: 1) Score Study, Musical Interpretation and Internalization 2) Nonverbal and Verbal Communication and 3) Listening Skills and Rehearsal Practices. Prerequisites: MUED 30100 or MUED 30300 or MUPS 25000. (F,S)
2 Credits

MUPS 32000 The Singing Performer IV: Lyric Theatre Workshop (NLA)

Sing Performer IV: Lyric Theatre Workshop is designed to build and practice skills necessary to prepare and perform staged vocal repertoire. Repertoire will often focus on opera, but could include operetta, musical theater, oratorio, art song, cabaret and more. Permission of instructor required based on audition results. (F,S)
1 Credit

MUPS 33000 Survey of Percussion Literature (LA)

Listen to, research, analyze and connect compositions featuring percussion (solo, chamber, ensemble). Student and faculty presentations will introduce pieces in quasi-chronological order to provide context, along with weekly listening and regular research. (E,F)
1 Credit

MUPS 35000 Piano Pedagogy Practicum (NLA)

Piano pedagogy practicum is a hands-on mentored teaching experience for students interested in teaching in an independent private studio. Teaching assignments are individually designed to complement the student’s interest. Opportunities exist in the on-campus Teaching Intern Program (average age beginners), off-campus studios and programs, individual or group lessons, and with a variety of age groups including adults and senior citizens. Mentoring involves guided preparation and assessment. Credit is determined by the scope of the teaching assignment. Prerequisites: MUMC 20000. (F,S)
0.5-2 Credits

MUPS 35100 Reaching Out to Audiences (LA)

An exploration of how musicians can reach and build broader audiences for the various genres of classical music. Topics include the importance of community involvement, musicians' interaction with audiences, visual presentation of performance (e.g., multimedia, lighting), presenting 20th- and 21st-century music to diverse audiences, connecting with music education programs in colleges and the public schools, and understanding several aspects of music management. Class meetings: Two hours per week for one block. Prerequisites: Two semesters of private lessons at level 2. (F,S)
1 Credit

MUPS 36300 Junior Recital Vocal Coaching and Lab (NLA)

The next level of the singer's collaborative sequence builds on the foundation of MUEN 21700 Piano/Vocal Collaboration. Further development and artistic application of collaborative partnership and musicianship skills. Specific repertoire is assigned by the student's studio teacher in preparation of their junior recital. Individual coaching times are scheduled in addition to regular class meetings. Prerequisites: MUEN 21700. Corequisites: PFMJ 30100. (F,S)
1 Credit

MUPS 37300 Required Junior Recital (NLA)

As a condition for graduation, students in the performance and four-and-a-half year programs are required to present a junior solo recital approximately one hour long. (F,S)
1 Credit

MUPS 41000 Piano Pedagogy Forum (NLA)

Engage in an in-depth study of selected topics in the art and science of piano pedagogy. Build upon foundational principles of piano pedagogy through research, discussion, and applied practice. This course is cross-listed with MUPS 51000 for graduate students. Prerequisites: MUPS 35000. (F,S)
1-2 Credits

MUPS 42000-42010 Selected Topics in Art Song Literature (NLA)

Changing topics in art song literature and performance practice. Prerequisites: PFMJ 30100 or PFMJ 30300. (IRR)
1 Credit

MUPS 45500 Vocal Pedagogy : Application and Practice of Voice Teaching (NLA)

This course combines lecture and experiential components related to teaching voice in the private lesson setting. The pedagogy of teaching voice, including teaching methods, voice science, performance psychology, and artistic concerns will be covered. In addition, students will teach one volunteer student in weekly singing lessons, culminating in a volunteer student recital. Included in the course are aspects of the business of running an independent voice studio. (Y)
2 Credits

MUPS 46300 Senior Recital Vocal Coaching and Lab (NLA)

The last level of the singer's collaborative sequence continues the work from Piano/Vocal Collaboration and Junior Recital Vocal Coaching and Lab, culminating in the performing student’s capstone experience. Students further develop and apply artistry in collaborative partnership, musicianship, and interpretive skills. Specific repertoire is assigned with the guidance of the student's studio teacher in preparation of their senior recital. Prerequisites: MUPS 37300. (F,S)
1 Credit

MUPS 47300 Required Senior Recital (NLA)

As a condition for graduation, students in the performance and four-and-a-half-year programs are required to present a senior solo recital, approximately one hour long. (F,S)
2 Credits

MUPS 47301 Senior Voice Recital (NLA)

As a condition for graduation, students in the performance and four-and-a-half year programs are required to present a senior solo recital, approximately one hour long. This capstone experience includes preparation through private voice lessons as well as study of the languages, poetry, and musical and dramatic elements with a vocal coach. Prerequisites: MUMC 37300. (F,S)
Attributes: CP
2 Credits

MUPS 47500 Required Collaborative Recital (NLA)

Students prepare and perform a recital of standard length (approximately 50-60 minutes), composed of approximately one-half vocal and one-half instrumental literature, in collaboration with students from other studios. Students may also fulfill this requirement by appearing in two separate recitals (one instrumental, one vocal) and performing at least half of each recital. Repertoire is approved and coached by the supervising faculty member in PFMJ 44700-PFMJ 44800 Private Accompanying. Grading is by faculty committee. Prerequisites: Prior or concurrent registration in PFMJ 44700. (Y)
1 Credit

MUPS 48500 Survey of Piano Literature I (LA)

Examine the standard piano literature from the origins of the keyboard through the middle romantic period by listening, performing, and analyzing the repertoire. Develop an appreciation for, and a historical understanding of, the rich heritage of piano literature. (F,O)
2 Credits

MUPS 48600 Survey of Piano Literature II (LA)

Piano literature in the period from the mid 19th century Romantic Period through the present day is explored through listening, performing, and analyzing the repertoire. Through in-depth study of the literature, this course develops appreciation for the rich heritage, as well as the historical and cultural context of piano literature. (O,S)
2 Credits

MUPS 51000-51500 Piano Pedagogy Forum (NLA)

Engage in an in-depth study of selected topics in the art and science of piano pedagogy. Build upon foundational principles of piano pedagogy through research, discussion, and applied practice. This course is cross-listed with MUPS 41000 for graduate students. Prerequisites: MUPS 35000. (F,S)
1-2 Credits

MUPS 55500 Vocal Pedagogy (NLA)

This course combines lecture and experiential components related to teaching voice in the private lesson setting. The pedagogy of teaching voice, including teaching methods, voice science, performance psychology, and artistic concerns will be covered. In addition, students will teach two volunteer students in weekly singing lessons, culminating in a volunteer student recital. Included in the course are aspects of the business of running an independent voice studio. (S,Y)
2 Credits

MUPS 58500 Survey of Piano Literature I (LA)

The study of piano literature from the high baroque through the middle romantic periods. The unique facets of each style are explored through analysis, outside readings, score study, guided listening, and individual performances. Periodic examinations and individual projects are required. One hour of lecture and one half hour of lab meetings weekly. (F,O)
2 Credits

MUPS 58600 Survey of Piano Literature II (LA)

The study of piano literature from the middle romantic period through the 20th century. The unique facets of each style are explored through analysis, outside readings, score study, guided listening, and individual performances. Periodic examinations and individual projects are required. One hour of lecture and one-half hour of lab meetings weekly. (O,S)
2 Credits

MUPS 59000 Choral Literature and Performance Practice 1 (LA)

A survey of choral literature and performance practices from the Medieval era to the Classical era. (E,S)
2 Credits

MUPS 59100 Choral Literature and Performance Practice 2 (LA)

A survey of choral literature and performance practices from the Romantic era to the present including world musics. (O,S)
2 Credits

MUPS 65000 Piano Pedagogy Practicum (NLA)

A mentored teaching experience for students interested in teaching piano in a “real world” environment. Teaching assignments are individually designed to complement the student’s interest. Opportunities exist in the on-campus Teaching Intern Program (average age beginners), off-campus studios and programs, individual or group lessons, and with a variety of age groups including adults and senior citizens. Mentoring involves guided preparation and assessment. Credit is determined by the scope of the teaching assignment. (F,S,Y)
1-2 Credits