Academic Catalog

Music Sound Recording Technology (MSRT)

MSRT 14200 Audio-Recording Systems I (NLA)

Introduction to equipment, operation and techniques necessary to work as a staff engineer in a recording facility. Focuses on fundamentals of concert recording, live sound reinforcement, recording sessions, media duplication and distribution, and office management. Study of basic audio concepts with weekly hands-on training in operation of industry-standard audio software. Prerequisites: Acceptance in the sound recording technology major. 2 credits. (F,Y)
2 Credits

MSRT 14300 Audio-Recording Systems II (NLA)

Basic technical support and repair techniques for audio electronics used in recording and live sound reinforcement, including hazards and safety issues. Emphasis is on basic construction skills (soldering and wiring), analog-digital calibration, and computer and software troubleshooting. Study of intermediate audio concepts with continued hands-on training in operation of industry-standard audio software. Prerequisites: MSRT 14200. 2 credits. (S,Y)
2 Credits

MSRT 24100 Recording Workshop I (NLA)

Application of basic microphone use skills. Emphasis on refined stereo microphone placement techniques. Laboratory and discussion format explores stereo microphone placements for classical two track and multi-track recording sessions. Hands-on study of workflow and technical operation in a large-format recording studio. In-depth training on the SSL Duality console and other relevant studio equipment. Lecture/hands-on laboratory format with frequent group discussions. Prerequisites: MSRT 14300. 2 credits. (F,Y)
2 Credits

MSRT 24200 Recording Workshop II (NLA)

Live sound techniques and the acoustical environments including stage preparation, sound system placement, monitor mixes, sound system speaker placement, electrical wiring, compression and limiting, system equalization and effect processing. Emphasis on remote recording techniques. Hands-on component includes operation of a large-scale PA System, use of Real-Time Analyzers in PA tuning and acoustical analysis, and advanced live mixing techniques. Ear-training curriculum focuses on developing aural skills for the audio engineer. Prerequisites: MSRT 24100. 2 credits. (S,Y)
2 Credits

MSRT 24300 Critical Listening for the Recording Studio (NLA)

Analysis and comparison of specific recording techniques. Weekly meetings include discussion of artists and recording processes. Pass/fail only. Prerequisites: MSRT 14300. (F-S)
0.5 Credit

MSRT 34100 Advanced Recording Workshop I (NLA)

Advanced application of recording equipment and technology. Students re-create previously recorded music using current technology. Students conduct thorough research on the original production and establish communication with artist management, artist, and individuals responsible for the production of the original work of music. Course material focuses on recording session management, advanced tracking techniques, critical listening and analysis, production methods, and psychological aspects of the recording session. Prerequisites: MSRT 24200. 2 credits. (F-Y)
2 Credits

MSRT 34200 Advanced Recording Workshop II (NLA)

Continuation of MSRT 34100 Advanced Recording Workshop I with additional emphasis on tracking and acoustical microphone techniques. Students are limited to use of "legacy" technologies, such as magnetic tape and analog signal processing. Course material focuses on classic analog recording methods, tape machine calibration and alignment, machine synchronization, Dolby noise reduction systems, RIAA equalization curves, track bouncing, and stereo mastering. Prerequisites: MSRT 34100. (F,S,Y)
2 Credits

MSRT 34800 Advanced Microphone Techniques (NLA)

Advanced application of microphone use skills. Emphasis on refined professional techniques of placement both in stereophony and multi-track usage. Students learn techniques from in-class observations and lab experiences, self-experience in outside situations, and from others' experience. Prerequisites: MSRT 24200 or TVR 37100. (F)
3 Credits

MSRT 34900 Advanced Recording Techniques (NLA)

Advanced application of mixing and recording techniques. Students develop proficiencies in the areas of submixing, signal flow, signal processing, patching, mastering, multi-track sessions, mixing board topology, monitoring systems, and mixes and automation. Prerequisites: MSRT 34800. (S,Y)
3 Credits

MSRT 39100 Music Internship Preparation (NLA)

Career preparatory course for SRT students planning for their accredited internship. Students research potential internship sites and prepare for the application process by creating resumes and cover letters, establishing contact with professionals in the industry, and developing valuable skills key to a successful internship. Prerequisite: MSRT 24200. 2 credits. (F-S,Y)
2 Credits

MSRT 49100 Music Recording Internship (NLA)

Students work in an approved practicum environment such as a recording studio, postproduction facility, sound reinforcement company, or multimedia production or development company, applying theories and developing techniques learned previously. Prerequisites: MSRT 39100. (S,F,U)
1-12 Credits

MSRT 49200 Senior Project (NLA)

Students produce and master a portfolio of materials for presentation. Materials for the senior project may be drawn primarily from previously recorded projects but should involve additional work, such as final mastering, including appropriate coding, development of artwork, and registering and securing appropriate rights and copyrights. Prerequisites: MSRT 49100. (S,Y)
Attributes: CP
3 Credits